! function () { var define = void 0; ! function a(b, c, d) { function e(g, h) { if (!c[g]) { if (!b[g]) { var i = "function" == typeof require && require; if (!h && i) return i(g, !0); if (f) return f(g, !0); var j = new Error("Cannot find module '" + g + "'"); throw j.code = "MODULE_NOT_FOUND", j } var k = c[g] = { exports: {} }; b[g][0].call(k.exports, function (a) { var c = b[g][1][a]; return e(c ? c : a) }, k, k.exports, a, b, c, d) } return c[g].exports } for (var f = "function" == typeof require && require, g = 0; g < d.length; g++) e(d[g]); return e }({ 1: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e; e = a("./util.coffee"), d = a("./event"), c = function () { function a(a) { this.executor = a } return a.prototype.commands = [], a.prototype.isEventListenerAttached = !1, a.prototype.handlers = {}, a.prototype.execute = function (a) { var b; return b = Array.prototype.shift.apply(a), this.executor[b] ? this.executor[b].apply(this.executor, a) : e.debug("Unknown command: " + b), Array.prototype.unshift.call(a, b) }, a.prototype.push = function (a) { var b, c, d; { if (!e.isArray(a[0])) return e.isIOSDevice() === !0 && this.saveCommand(a), this.execute(a); for (b = 0, d = a.length; d > b; b++) c = a[b], this.push(c) } }, a.prototype.saveCommand = function (a) { return this.commands.push(a), this.isPageShowEventHandlerReady() !== !0 ? this.attachPageShowEventHandler() : void 0 }, a.prototype.isEventHandlerReady = function (a) { return !!this.handlers[a] }, a.prototype.attachHandler = function (a) { return this.handlers[a] = this[a + "Handler"].bind(this), d.addEvent(window, a, this.handlers[a]) }, a.prototype.detachHandler = function (a) { return d.removeEvent(window, a, this.handlers[a]), this.handlers[a] = void 0 }, a.prototype.isPageShowEventHandlerReady = function () { return this.isEventHandlerReady("pageshow") }, a.prototype.attachPageShowEventHandler = function () { return this.attachHandler("pageshow") }, a.prototype.dettachPageShowEventHandler = function () { return this.detachHandler("pageshow") }, a.prototype.attachRebuildEventHandler = function () { return this.attachHandler("rebuild") }, a.prototype.dettachRebuildEventHandler = function () { return this.detachHandler("rebuild") }, a.prototype.pageshowHandler = function (a) { return a.persisted === !0 ? (this.dettachPageShowEventHandler(), this.attachRebuildEventHandler(), d.postEvent(document, "rebuild")) : void 0 }, a.prototype.rebuildHandler = function () { var a, b, c, d, e; for (this.dettachRebuildEventHandler(), e = this.commands, this.commands = [], d = [], b = 0, c = e.length; c > b; b++) a = e[b], d.push(this.push(a)); return d }, a }(), b.exports = c }, { "./event": 12, "./util.coffee": 24 }], 2: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s = [].slice; e = a("./widget.coffee"), d = a("./JSONP.coffee"), i = a("./cookie.js"), o = a("./pubsub"), r = a("./util.coffee"), m = a("./mall.coffee"), p = a("./qterm.coffee"), j = a("./crc32.js"), n = a("./meta.coffee"), f = a("./ad.coffee"), l = a("./logger.coffee"), q = a("./scroll-manager.coffee"), g = a("./bridge-manager.coffee"), h = a("./cms-widget.coffee"), k = a("./local-storage-cache"), c = function () { function a() {} var b, c, t, u, v, w; return b = "dable_uid", c = 63072e6, w = ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.TEST_REFERRER : void 0) || r.getReferrer(), v = function (a) { var b, c, d; return b = j(a), c = "__rpksum", d = 6e5, i.set_cookie(c, b, d) }, u = function (a) { var b, c; return c = "__rpksum", b = j(a), i.check_cookie(c) === b }, t = function () { var a, c, d, e, f, g; return a = i.check_cookie(b), d = "undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (e = window.location) && null != (f = e.href) && null != (g = f.match(/[\?\&]dable_uid=([^\#\&]+)/)) ? g[1] : void 0, c = { cached_uid: "" }, d ? c.cached_uid = d : a && "undefined" !== a && (c.cached_uid = a), c }, a.prototype.fetchPrefs = function (a) { var e, f, g; return this.prefs ? a(this.prefs) : (e = arguments, this.service_name ? (g = k.get("prefs_" + this.service_name)) ? a(g) : this.fetch_prefs_queue ? void this.fetch_prefs_queue.push(a) : (this.fetch_prefs_queue = [a], f = t(), this.cid && (f.cid = this.cid), void d.get(r.prefs_protocol() + "://" + r.api_server_domain() + ("/plugin/services/" + encodeURIComponent(this.service_name) + "/prefs2"), f, function (a) { return function (d) { var e, f, h, j, l, m, n, o; for (a.prefs = d && d.result || null, g = r.clone(a.prefs), g.kakao_log_url = null, g.adx_log_url = null, g.nasmedia_log_url = null, g.nhnace_log_url = null, k.set("prefs_" + a.service_name, g), j = a.fetch_prefs_queue, e = 0, f = j.length; f > e; e++)(h = j[e])(a.prefs); a.fetch_prefs_queue = null, i.set_cookie(b, a.prefs.cid, c), (null != (l = a.prefs) && null != (m = l.service) ? m.custom_script_url : void 0) && r.includeScript(null != (n = a.prefs) && null != (o = n.service) ? o.custom_script_url : void 0) } }(this))) : setTimeout(function (a) { return function () { return a.fetchPrefs.apply(a, e) } }(this), 100)) }, a.prototype.setHttpsOnly = function () { return r.set_protocol("https:") }, a.prototype.setScrollBaseElement = function (a) { return r.set_scroll_base_el(a) }, a.prototype.fetchUID = function (a) { var b; return b = function () { var a; return a = String(Math.round(9e7 * Math.random()) + 1e7) + ".", a += String((new Date).getTime()) }, this.uid ? a(this.uid) : this.fetchPrefs(function (c) { var d; return d = c.cid, a(d || b()) }) }, a.prototype.fetchUserGroup = function (a) { return this.fetchUID(function () { return function (b) { return a(Math.floor(b % 10) || null) } }(this)) }, a.prototype.sendLog = function () { var a, b, c, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, t, u, v, x, y, z, A; if (f = arguments[0], h = 2 <= arguments.length ? s.call(arguments, 1) : [], null == f && (f = ""), g = arguments, !this.service_name) return setTimeout(function (a) { return function () { return a.sendLog.apply(a, g) } }(this), 100); switch (y = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, g; for (d = [], b = 0, e = a.length; e > b; b++) if (c = a[b], r.isArray(c)) Array.prototype.push.apply(d, y(c)); else if (c) { if (("number" == (g = typeof c) || "string" === g) && (c = { id: c }), !c.id) continue; n.is_hidden(f) && (c.is_hidden = 1), d.push(c) } return d }, e = null, c = !1, a = null, z = function (b) { var f, g, h; if (!c) return c = !0, f = r.clone(b), f.sess_dur_sec = Math.floor((new Date - e) / 1e3), f.body_height = Math.floor(r.getElemHeight(a)), f.body_length = null != (h = n.read_body()) ? h.length : void 0, g = r.prefs_protocol() + "://" + r.reco_logging_server_domain(), g += "/s/" + encodeURIComponent(b.service.service_name) + "/u/" + encodeURIComponent(b.uid) + "/read", d.get(g, f, function (a) { return "OK" !== a ? r.debug("[RECO-LOGGING API ERROR] FROM " + g + ", " + a) : void 0 }) }, i = function (b) { return (a = n.read_body_el()) ? (e = new Date, "complete" === ("undefined" != typeof document && null !== document ? document.readyState : void 0) ? q.listenByElement({ targetElement: a, method: function () { return z(b) }, offsetY: Math.max(r.getElemHeight(a) - 300, 300), reregisterIntervalMs: 5e3 + parseInt(500 * Math.random(), 10) }) : setTimeout(function () { return i(b) }, 1e3)) : void 0 }, x = { site: this.service_name, url: this.url || window.location.href, ref: this.ref || w }, null != this.mid && (x.mid = this.mid), null != this.gender && (x.gender = this.gender), null != this.birthyear && (x.birthyear = this.birthyear), x.action = f, this.payload_c && (x.c = this.payload_c), x.lang = r.getFullUserLanguage(), v = function (a) { return function () { return p.fetch(w, function (b) { return b && (x.q = encodeURIComponent(b), o.publish("qterm", x.q)), a.fetchPrefs(function (b) { return a.fetchUID(function (c) { return x.uid = c, x.cid = b.cid, x.service = b.service, x.sp_client = b.sp_client, x.kakao_log_url = b.kakao_log_url, x.adx_log_url = b.adx_log_url, x.nasmedia_log_url = b.nasmedia_log_url, x.nhnace_log_url = b.nhnace_log_url, x.service ? l.sendActionLog(x, function () { return "view" === x.action ? (i(x), n.update_item(a.service_name, x.items, { is_update_article_body: b.service.collect_article_body_on_client === !0 })) : void 0 }) : void r.debug("Unknown SERVICE: " + a.service_name) }) }) }) } }(this), t = [], ("like" === f || "view" === f || "cart" === f || "buy" === f) && (t = y(h), t.length > 0 && o.publish("item_ids", function () { var a, b, c; for (c = [], a = 0, b = t.length; b > a; a++) k = t[a], c.push(k.id); return c }())), f) { case "view": for (j = 0, u = t.length; u > j; j++) k = t[j], b = n.read_item(), !k.c1 && b.category1 && (k.c1 = b.category1), !k.c2 && b.category2 && (k.c2 = b.category2), !k.c3 && b.category3 && (k.c3 = b.category3), !k.comment_count && b.comment_count && (k.comment_count = b.comment_count), b.url ? k.link = b.url : this.url && (k.link = this.url); x.items = t, 0 === t.length && (x.action = "visit"), v(); break; case "like": x.items = t, 0 === t.length && (x.action = "visit"), v(); break; case "cart": x.items = t, v(); break; case "buy": x.items = t, 0 === t.length ? m.prepare(function () { return function () { return m.auto.fetchBuyEndIds(function (a) { return x.items = a, v() }) } }(this)) : (b = n.read_item(), t[0].id === b.item_id && (!t[0].c1 && b.category1 && (t[0].c1 = b.category1), !t[0].c2 && b.category2 && (t[0].c2 = b.category2), !t[0].c3 && b.category3 && (t[0].c3 = b.category3)), v()); break; case "search": x.q = encodeURIComponent(h[0]), o.publish("qterm", x.q), x.q || (x.action = "visit"), v(); break; case "visit": x.action = "visit", v(); break; default: A = function (a, b) { var c; return null == b && (b = 0), c = n.read_item(), (null != c ? c.item_id : void 0) ? a(c) : b > 3 ? a(null) : setTimeout(function () { return A(a, b + 1) }, 100) }, A(function (a) { return (null != a ? a.item_id : void 0) ? (x.action = "view", k = { id: a.item_id }, o.publish("item_ids", [k.id]), !k.c1 && (null != a ? a.category1 : void 0) && (k.c1 = a.category1), !k.c2 && (null != a ? a.category2 : void 0) && (k.c2 = a.category2), !k.c3 && (null != a ? a.category3 : void 0) && (k.c3 = a.category3), !k.comment_count && a.comment_count && (k.comment_count = a.comment_count), (null != a ? a.url : void 0) && (k.link = a.url), x.items = [k]) : x.action = "visit", v() }) } return this.action_type = f || "auto", this.items = t }, a.prototype.sendLogOnce = function (a) { var b; return this._log_sended || (this._log_sended = {}), 1 !== this._log_sended[a || "auto"] ? (this._log_sended[a || "auto"] = 1, b = arguments, this.sendLog.apply(this, b)) : void 0 }, a.prototype.sendMallLog = function (a, b) { return null == b && (b = !1), !this.run_once_checked || b ? (this.run_once_checked = !0, m.prepare(function (b) { return function () { var c, d; return c = function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; if (e = [], !a) return e; if (!b) return a; for (c = 0, f = a.length; f > c; c++) d = a[c], r.isArray(d) ? e.push(d) : d && ("number" == (g = typeof d) || "string" === g ? d = { id: d, order_id: b } : d.order_id = b, e.push(d)); return e }, d = m[a], d.isView() ? d.fetchItemIdViewPage(function (a) { return v([a]), b.sendLog("view", a), !0 }) : d.isCart() ? d.fetchCartIds(function (a) { var e, f; return e = d.getOrderId(), f = c(a, e), f.unshift("cart"), v(f), b.sendLog.apply(b, f), !0 }) : d.isBuyEnd() ? d.fetchBuyEndIds(function (a) { var e, f, g; return f = d.getOrderId(), g = c(a, f), g.unshift("buy"), e = u(g), v(g), e ? !0 : (b.sendLog.apply(b, g), !0) }) : d.isSearch() ? d.fetchSearchTerm(function (a) { return b.sendLog("search", a), !0 }) : b.sendLog() } }(this)), !0) : void 0 }, a.prototype.setService = function (a) { return a && "string" == typeof a ? ("/" === a.substr(a.length - 1, 1) && (a = a.substr(0, a.length - 1)), this.service_name = a.toLowerCase(), void o.publish("service_name", this.service_name)) : r.debug("Unknown SERVICE: " + a) }, a.prototype.setServiceByWidth = function (a, b) { return a && void 0 === b ? r.debug("setServiceByWidth requires two service names") : this.setService(r.isMobileView() ? b : a) }, a.prototype.service = a.prototype.setService, a.prototype.fetchService = function (a) { return a(this.service_name) }, a.prototype.c = function (a) { this.payload_c = a }, a.prototype.setCID = function (a) { return this.cid = a, this.fetchPrefs(function () {}) }, a.prototype.setUID = function (a) { return null != a ? this.uid = a : void 0 }, a.prototype.setMID = function (a) { this.mid = a }, a.prototype.setURL = function (a) { this.url = a }, a.prototype.setRef = function (a) { this.ref = a }, a.prototype.setGender = function (a) { return this.setUserInfo({ gender: a }) }, a.prototype.setBirthYear = function (a) { return this.setUserInfo({ birthyear: a }) }, a.prototype.setUserInfo = function (a) { var b, c; if (a) return "string" == typeof arguments[0] && arguments[1] && (a = {}, a[arguments[0]] = arguments[1]), a.mid && (this.mid = a.mid), a.uid && (this.uid = a.uid), a.gender && (b = a.gender.toUpperCase(), "M" !== b && "F" !== b && "O" !== b ? r.debug("Invalid gender: " + a.gender) : this.gender = a.gender), a.birthyear ? (c = parseInt(a.birthyear), 1900 > c || c > (new Date).getFullYear() ? r.debug("Invalid birthyear: " + c) : this.birthyear = c) : void 0 }, a.prototype.renderWidget = function () { var a, b, c, d, f, g, h, i, j, k; return d = arguments[0], h = arguments[1], j = 3 <= arguments.length ? s.call(arguments, 2) : [], d ? ("string" != typeof d ? (f = d, f.id ? c = f.id : (c = "_dblwdgt_" + Math.floor(99999999 * Math.random()), f.id = c)) : c = d, a = "function" == typeof (null != j ? j[0] : void 0) ? j[0] : "function" == typeof (null != j ? j[1] : void 0) ? j[1] : null, k = "object" == typeof (null != j ? j[0] : void 0) ? j[0] : {}, ((null != h ? h.ignore_items : void 0) || (null != h ? h.ignoreItems : void 0)) && (k = h || {}, h = null), g = (null != k ? k.ignore_items : void 0) || (null != k ? k.ignoreItems : void 0), i = function (b) { return function (d, f) { var j, l, m, o, p; if (null == f && (f = 30), l = d.cid, p = d.uid, o = null, !h && f > 0 && !g) { if (!b.action_type) return void setTimeout(function () { return i(d, f - 1) }, 100); h = function () { var a, b, c, d; for (c = this.items, d = [], a = 0, b = c.length; b > a; a++) m = c[a], d.push(m.id); return d }.call(b), 0 === h.length && (j = n.read_item(["item_id", "published_time"]), (null != j ? j.item_id : void 0) ? (h = [j.item_id], o = j.published_time) : h = null) } return b.service_name && (k.service_name = b.service_name), b.url && (k.url = b.url), b.ref && (k.ref = b.ref), new e({ dom_id: c, cid: l, uid: p, item_ids: h, item_pub_date: o, options: k, callback: a }) } }(this), b = t(), this.uid || b.cached_uid ? (i({ cid: this.cid || b.cached_uid, uid: this.uid || b.cached_uid }), this.fetchPrefs(function () { return function () {} }(this))) : this.fetchPrefs(function (a) { return function (b) { return a.fetchUID(function (a) { return i({ cid: b.cid, uid: a }) }) } }(this))) : r.debug("dom id or element should be provided") }, a.prototype.renderWidgetByWidth = function () { var a, b, c, d, e, f; if (b = arguments[0], d = arguments[1], e = 3 <= arguments.length ? s.call(arguments, 2) : [], !b) return r.debug("renderWidgetByWidth needs target dom or dom_id"); if ("string" == typeof b) c = document.getElementById(b); else { if ("object" != typeof b) return r.debug("renderWidgetByWidth got unexpected parameter : " + b); c = b } return c ? (a = r.isMobileView() ? "mo" : "pc", (f = c.getAttribute("data-widget_id-" + a)) ? (c.setAttribute("data-widget_id", f), this.renderWidget.apply(this, [c, d].concat(s.call(e)))) : r.debug("no data-widget_id-" + a + " in dom : " + b)) : r.debug("renderWidgetByWidth found no DOM from given target : " + b) }, a.prototype.renderBridge = function () { var a, b, c, d, e; return b = arguments[0], c = arguments[1], d = 3 <= arguments.length ? s.call(arguments, 2) : [], a = "function" == typeof (null != d ? d[0] : void 0) ? d[0] : "function" == typeof (null != d ? d[1] : void 0) ? d[1] : null, e = "object" == typeof (null != d ? d[0] : void 0) ? d[0] : {}, this.fetchPrefs(function (d) { return function (f) { var h, i, j; return j = f.service.newsx_detail_page_url_pattern, h = function (f) { return window.scroll(0, 0), e.is_bridge = 1, e.bridge_item_id = f, e.newsx_detail_page_url_pattern = j, d.renderWidget(b, c, e, a) }, g.init({ dom_id_or_el: b, onItemChange: h }), i = j ? g.getItemIdFromUrlPattern() : g.getItemIdFromHashTag(), h(i) } }(this)) }, a.prototype.setCookieDoc = function (a) { return window.COOKIE_DOCUMENT = a }, a.prototype.widget = a.prototype.renderWidget, a.prototype.initCmsWidget = function (a, b) { return h.init(a, b, this.renderWidget.bind(this)) }, a.prototype.initAd = function (a) { var b; return b = arguments, this.service_name ? this.fetchPrefs(function (b) { return function (c) { return b.fetchUID(function (d) { var e; return f.init({ service_name: b.service_name, cid: c.cid, uid: d, ad_id: a, service_id: null != c && null != (e = c.service) ? e.service_id : void 0 }) }) } }(this)) : setTimeout(function (a) { return function () { return a.initAd.apply(a, b) } }(this), 100) }, a }(), b.exports = c }, { "./JSONP.coffee": 4, "./ad.coffee": 5, "./bridge-manager.coffee": 9, "./cms-widget.coffee": 10, "./cookie.js": 11, "./crc32.js": 34, "./local-storage-cache": 15, "./logger.coffee": 16, "./mall.coffee": 18, "./meta.coffee": 19, "./pubsub": 20, "./qterm.coffee": 21, "./scroll-manager.coffee": 22, "./util.coffee": 24, "./widget.coffee": 25 }], 3: [function (require, module, exports) { function _typeof(a) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (a) { return typeof a } : function (a) { return a && "function" == typeof Symbol && a.constructor === Symbol && a !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof a })(a) } var JSON = window && window.JSON || function () { function f(a) { return 10 > a ? "0" + a : a } function stringify(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h = /["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g; switch (_typeof(a)) { case "string": return h.test(a) ? '"' + a.replace(h, function (a) { var b = m[a]; return b ? b : (b = a.charCodeAt(), "\\u00" + Math.floor(b / 16).toString(16) + (b % 16).toString(16)) }) + '"' : '"' + a + '"'; case "number": return isFinite(a) ? String(a) : "null"; case "boolean": case "null": return String(a); case "object": if (!a) return "null"; if ("function" == typeof a.toJSON) return stringify(a.toJSON()); if (c = [], "number" == typeof a.length && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("length")) { for (f = a.length, d = 0; f > d; d += 1) c.push(stringify(a[d], b) || "null"); return "[" + c.join(",") + "]" } if (b) for (f = b.length, d = 0; f > d; d += 1) e = b[d], "string" == typeof e && (g = stringify(a[e], b), g && c.push(stringify(e) + ":" + g)); else for (e in a) "string" == typeof e && (g = stringify(a[e], b), g && c.push(stringify(e) + ":" + g)); return "{" + c.join(",") + "}" } } Date.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + f(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + f(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" }; var m = { "\b": "\\b", " ": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\" }; return { stringify: stringify, parse: function parse(text, filter) { function walk(a, b) { var c, d; if (b && "object" === _typeof(b)) for (c in b) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.apply(b, [c]) && (d = walk(c, b[c]), void 0 !== d ? b[c] = d : delete b[c]); return filter(a, b) } var j; if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) return j = eval("(" + text + ")"), "function" == typeof filter ? walk("", j) : j; throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON") } } }(); module.exports = JSON, window && window.dable && (window.dable.JSON = JSON) }, {}], 4: [function (a, b) { var c, d; c = null != (d = "undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.TEST_JSONP : void 0) ? d : function () { var a, b, c, d, e; return a = 0, b = function (a) { return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) }, d = function (a) { var b, c, d; return d = document.createElement("script"), c = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], b = !1, d.src = a, d.async = !0, d.onload = d.onreadystatechange = function () { return b || this.readyState && "loaded" !== this.readyState && "complete" !== this.readyState || (b = !0, d.onload = d.onreadystatechange = null, !d || !d.parentNode) ? void 0 : d.parentNode.removeChild(d) }, c.appendChild(d) }, e = function (a, c) { var d, f, g, h, i, j, k; if (i = [], b(c)) for (d = f = 0, h = c.length; h > f; d = ++f) k = c[d], j = e(a + "[" + d + "]", k), j && i.push(j); else if ("object" == typeof c) for (g in c) k = c[g], j = e(a + "[" + g + "]", k), j && i.push(j); else a && i.push(encodeURIComponent(a) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(c)); return i.join("&") }, c = function (b, c, f) { var g, h, i, j; i = "?", c = c || {}; for (h in c) c.hasOwnProperty(h) && (j = e(h, c[h]), j && (i += j + "&")); return g = "dbljson" + ++a, "undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && (window[g] = function (a) { var b; f && f(a); try {} catch (c) { b = c } }), d(b + i + "callback=" + g), g }, { get: c } }(), b.exports = c }, {}], 5: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l; c = a("./JSONP.coffee"), l = a("./util.coffee"), e = a("./ga.coffee"), i = function () { var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i; for (h = { body: null, head: null }, a = document.getElementsByTagName("div"), i = document.getElementsByTagName("span"), c = 0, e = a.length; e > c; c++) b = a[c], g = b.getAttribute("itemprop"), "articleBody" === g ? h.body = b : "headline" === g && (h.head = b); for (d = 0, f = i.length; f > d; d++) b = i[d], g = b.getAttribute("itemprop"), "articleBody" === g ? h.body = b : "headline" === g && (h.head = b); return h.body && h.head ? h : null }, d = function (a) { var b; return b = document.createElement("textarea"), b.innerHTML = a, b.value }, g = { read: function (a, b, d, e, f) { var g; return g = l.protocol() + "//" + l.api_server_domain() + "/inlink_ads", g += "/services/" + encodeURIComponent(a), g += "/users/" + encodeURIComponent(b) + "/" + d, c.get(g, {}, function (a) { var b, c; return null != a && null != (b = a.result) && (b.data.service_id = e), f(null != a && null != (c = a.result) ? c.data : void 0) }) } }, j = function (a, b) { return document.title = b.title, a.head.innerHTML = b.article_head, a.body.innerHTML = l.stripAndExecuteScript(b.article_body), e.sendForAd({ campaign_id: b.campaign_id, content_id: b.content_id, service_id: b.service_id }) }, h = { read: function (a, b) { var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, m; return k = a.service_name, g = a.cid, m = a.uid, e = a.campaign_id, h = a.content_id, i = a.method, f = a.channel, j = a.service_id, d = l.protocol() + "//sp-api.dable.io", d += "/services/" + encodeURIComponent(k), d += "/users/" + encodeURIComponent(m), d += "/campaigns/" + encodeURIComponent(e), d += "/contents/" + encodeURIComponent(h), c.get(d, { from: window.location.href, cid: g, method: i, channel: f }, function (a) { var c; return c = (null != a ? a.result : void 0) || {}, c.service_name = k, c.service_id = j, b(c) }) } }, k = function (a, b) { var d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, o; if (!(location.href.indexOf("/preview") > -1)) return n = b.service_name, o = b.uid, d = b.ad_id, g = b.cid, k = b.method, f = b.channel, m = d.split("-"), e = m[0], h = m[1], i = encodeURIComponent, j = l.protocol() + "//sp-api.dable.io/services/" + i(n) + ("/users/" + i(o) + "/campaigns/" + i(e)) + ("/contents/" + i(h) + "/inlinkview" + a + "s"), c.get(j, { cid: g, method: k, channel: f }, function () {}) }, f = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, m, n, o, p, q; return p = a.service_name, q = a.uid, b = a.ad_id, d = a.cid, o = a.service_id, (m = i()) ? (b || (a.ad_id = b = l.readParam("dablead")), a.method = l.readParam("method"), a.channel = l.readParam("channel"), b.indexOf("-") > -1 ? (n = b.split("-"), c = n[0], e = n[1], c && e ? h.read({ service_name: p, cid: d, uid: q, campaign_id: c, content_id: e, method: a.method, channel: a.channel, service_id: o }, function (b) { return j(m, b), b.dablena ? (setTimeout(function () { return k(5, a) }, 5e3), setTimeout(function () { return k(30, a) }, 3e4)) : void 0 }) : void 0) : g.read(p, q, b, o, function (a) { return j(m, a) })) : setTimeout(function () { return f(a) }, 300) }, b.exports = { init: f } }, { "./JSONP.coffee": 4, "./ga.coffee": 13, "./util.coffee": 24 }], 6: [function (a, b) { var c = a("./meta.coffee"), d = ["맨다리", "포르노", "성교", "섹스", "야동", "처제", "19금", "젖꼭지", "몰카", "천일야화", "호모토피아", "창녀", "정사신", "누드", "콘돔"], e = function () { for (var a = c.get_meta_value("og:title"), b = c.get_meta_value("og:description"), e = 0; e < d.length; e++) { var f = d[e]; if (a.indexOf(f) > -1 || b.indexOf(f) > -1) return !0 } return !1 }; b.exports = { isAdultContent: e } }, { "./meta.coffee": 19 }], 7: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f; c = a("./JSON"), f = a("./util.coffee"), d = function (a, b) { var c; return c = new XMLHttpRequest, null != (null != c ? c.withCredentials : void 0) ? c.open(a, b, !0) : "undefined" != typeof XDomainRequest ? (c = new XDomainRequest, c.open(a, b)) : c = null, c }, e = function (a, b, e) { var g; return (g = d("POST", a)) ? (g.onload = function () { var a; return a = g.responseText, e ? e(a) : void 0 }, g.onerror = function () {}, g.setRequestHeader && g.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json;charset=UTF-8"), g.send(c.stringify(b)), g) : (f.debug("Your browser don't support CORS"), null) }, b.exports = { post: e } }, { "./JSON": 3, "./util.coffee": 24 }], 8: [function (a, b) { var c = { k: 1 }; ! function (a) { "$:nomunge"; var b, c, d, e, f = 1, g = !1, h = "postMessage", i = "addEventListener", j = window[h]; "undefined" != typeof window.opera && window.opera.version && 9 == parseInt(window.opera.version()) && Event.prototype.__defineGetter__("origin", function () { return "http://" + this.domain }), a[h] = function (a, b, c) { b && (a = encodeURIComponent("string" == typeof a ? a : JSON.stringify(a)), c = c || parent, j ? c[h](a, b.replace(/([^:]+:\/\/[^\/]+).*/, "$1")) : b && (c.location = b.replace(/#.*$/, "") + "#" + +new Date + f++ + "&" + a)) }, a.receiveMessage = e = function (a, f, h) { j ? (a && (d && e(), d = function (b) { if ("string" == typeof f && b.origin !== f || "function" == typeof f && f(b.origin) === g) return g; var c = {}; for (var d in b) "path" !== d && (c[d] = b[d]); try { c.data = decodeURIComponent(c.data), c.data = JSON.parse(c.data) } catch (e) {} a(c) }), window[i] ? window[a ? i : "removeEventListener"]("message", d, g) : window[a ? "attachEvent" : "detachEvent"]("onmessage", d)) : (b && clearInterval(b), b = null, a && (h = "number" == typeof f ? f : "number" == typeof h ? h : 100, b = setInterval(function () { var b = document.location.hash, d = /^#?\d+&/; b !== c && d.test(b) && (c = b, a({ data: b.replace(d, "") })) }, h))) } }(c), b.exports = c }, {}], 9: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; g = a("./util.coffee"), d = function () { var a, b, c; return a = window.location.hash, b = "", (null != a ? a.indexOf("dable_bridge_item=") : void 0) > -1 && (b = null != (c = a.split("dable_bridge_item=")) ? c[1] : void 0), b }, e = function () { var a, b; return a = null, b = window.location.href, b.indexOf("newsx_item_id=") > -1 && (a = b.split("newsx_item_id=")[1].split("&")[0]), a }, c = function (a) { return null != a ? a.innerHTML = '
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(e = "string" != typeof b ? b : document.getElementById(b), window.addEventListener("hashchange", function () { var a; return c(e), a = d(), f(a) })) : g.debug("dom id or element should be provided") }, b.exports = { init: f, getItemIdFromHashTag: d, getItemIdFromUrlPattern: e } }, { "./util.coffee": 24 }], 10: [function (a, b) { var c, d; d = function (a) { var b, c; if ("u" !== (null != (c = a.previousSibling) ? c.tagName : void 0)) return b = document.createElement("u"), b.style.position = "absolute", b.style.margin = "-20px 0 0", b.style.background = "url(//static.dable.io/static/i/loading_s.gif) no-repeat 50%", b.style.width = "20px", b.style.height = "20px", b.style.display = "none", a.parentNode.insertBefore(b, a) }, c = function (a, b, e) { var f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m; return m = document.getElementById(a), g = document.getElementById(b), m && g || setTimeout(function () { return c(a, b) }, 300), d(m), i = m.previousSibling, l = 100, k = 5e3, j = "", h = 0, (f = function () { var b, c; return null == g ? setTimeout(function () { return f() }, 500) : (c = (null != g ? g.value : void 0) || "", b = c.replace(j, ""), c.length > l && b.length > 0 ? (i.style.display = "block", e(a, c, { nolink: 1 }, function () { return i.style.display = "none" }), j = c, setTimeout(function () { return f() }, k)) : setTimeout(function () { return f() }, 300)) })() }, b.exports = { init: c } }, {}], 11: [function (a, b) { function c(a) { var b; window && (b = window.COOKIE_DOCUMENT || window.document); var c = []; b && b.cookie && (c = b.cookie.split(";")); for (var d = RegExp("^\\s*".concat(a, "=\\s*(.*?)\\s*$")), e = "", f = 0; f < c.length; f++) { var g = c[f], h = g.match(d); h && (e = h[1]) } return "null" === e && (e = ""), e } var d = this, e = function (a, b, e) { var f, g; window && (f = window.COOKIE_DOCUMENT || window.document, g = window.location.hostname.split(".")); for (var h = g.length - 1; h >= 0; h += -1) { var i = g[h], j = g.slice(i).join("."), k = "".concat(a, "=").concat(b, "; path=/; domain=.").concat(j, "; expires=").concat(new Date((new Date).getTime() + e).toGMTString(), ";"); if (f.cookie = k, c(a)) return void(d.domain = j) } }; b.exports = { check_cookie: c, set_cookie: e } }, {}], 12: [function (a, b) { var c = function (a, b, c) { var d = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : ""; a.attachEvent ? (a["e".concat(b).concat(c).concat(d)] = c, a["".concat(b).concat(c).concat(d)] = function () { return a["e".concat(b).concat(c).concat(d)](window.event) }, a.attachEvent("on".concat(b), a["".concat(b).concat(c).concat(d)])) : a.addEventListener(b, c, !1) }, d = function (a, b, c) { var d = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : ""; a.detachEvent ? (a.detachEvent("on".concat(b), a["".concat(b).concat(c).concat(d)]), a["".concat(b).concat(c).concat(d)] = null) : a.removeEventListener(b, c, !1) }, e = function (a, b) { var c, d, e = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 100; d = a.createEvent ? a : document, c = d.createEvent("Events"), c.initEvent(b, !0, !1), setTimeout(function () { d.dispatchEvent(c) }, e) }; b.exports = { addEvent: c, removeEvent: d, postEvent: e } }, {}], 13: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q; q = a("./util.coffee"), k = "UA", h = "64397972", e = [3, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], g = "166274536", f = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20], j = 400, i = 20, l = function () { return window.ga ? void 0 : function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return a.GoogleAnalyticsObject = e, a[e] = a[e] || function () { return (a[e].q = a[e].q || []).push(arguments) }, a[e].l = 1 * new Date, f = b.createElement(c), g = b.getElementsByTagName(c)[0], f.async = 1, f.src = d, g.parentNode.insertBefore(f, g) }(window, document, "script", q.protocol() + "//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js", "ga") }, m = function (a) { var b, c; return 8e3 >= a ? (c = a > 0 ? Math.floor(a / j) : 0, c >= i && (c = i - 1), b = k + "-" + h + "-" + e[c]) : 16e3 >= a ? (c = a > 0 ? Math.floor((a - 8e3) / j) : 0, c >= i && (c = i - 1), b = k + "-" + g + "-" + f[c]) : b = null, b }, n = function (a, b, c, d, e) { var f, g; if (!(0 >= d || void 0 === e || void 0 === a) && (l(), g = m(e), null !== g)) return ga("create", g, "auto", { name: "dable", sampleRate: d }), f = {}, e && (f.dimension1 = e), b && (f.dimension2 = b), c && (f.dimension3 = c), ga("dable.send", "pageview", f) }, o = function (a) { var b, c, d, e; return b = a.campaign_id, c = a.content_id, e = a.service_id, l(), ga("create", k + "-64397972-4", "auto", { name: "dablead" }), d = {}, e && (d.dimension1 = e), b && (d.dimension2 = b), c && (d.dimension3 = c), ga("dablead.send", "pageview", d) }, d = 4455, c = k + "-160159977-1", p = function (a, b, e, f, g) { var h, i; if (g === d) return l(), i = c, ga("create", i, "auto", { name: "dable360", sampleRate: Math.min(f * j, 100) }), h = {}, g && (h.dimension1 = g), b && (h.dimension2 = b), e && (h.dimension3 = e), ga("dable360.send", "pageview", h) }, b.exports = { send: n, sendForGa360Test: p, sendForAd: o } }, { "./util.coffee": 24 }], 14: [function (a, b) { function c(a) { var b = a.rate, c = a.logFn, d = "https://pixel.adsafeprotected.com/jload?anId=931153&advId=Dable&campId=IAS_Test_Campaign_Apr2021&adsafe_par&bidurl=null"; 100 * Math.random() < b && c(d) } b.exports = { logIASPixelRandomly: c } }, {}], 15: [function (a, b) { var c = a("./JSON"), d = function () { try { return window.localStorage.setItem("foo", "bar"), window.localStorage.removeItem("foo"), !0 } catch (a) { return !1 } }(); if (d) { var e = "_dbl_", f = function (a) { if (!window.localStorage.getItem(e + a)) return null; var b = c.parse(window.localStorage.getItem(e + a)); if (!b.expire_timestamp || !b.val) return null; var d = (new Date).valueOf() > b.expire_timestamp; return d ? (window.localStorage.removeItem(a), null) : b.val }, g = function (a, b) { var d = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 3600, f = (new Date).valueOf() + 1e3 * d; window.localStorage.setItem(e + a, c.stringify({ val: b, expire_timestamp: f })) }; b.exports = { get: f, set: g } } else b.exports = { get: function () { return null }, set: function () { return null } } }, { "./JSON": 3 }], 16: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k; c = a("./JSONP.coffee"), k = a("./util.coffee"), e = a("./ga.coffee"), i = a("./scroll-manager.coffee"), d = a("./cookie.js"), f = a("./ias"), g = function (a) { var b; if (a) return b = document.createElement("img"), b.setAttribute("alt", ""), b.setAttribute("src", a), b.width = "1", b.height = "1", b.style.position = "absolute", b.style.top = "-9999px", b.style.left = "-9999px", document.body.appendChild(b) }, h = function (a) { var b; if (a) return b = document.createElement("script"), b.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"), b.setAttribute("src", a), b.defer = !0, document.body.appendChild(b) }, j = function (a, b) { var i, j, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v; if (u = a.service.service_type, t = a.site || a.service.service_name, i = a.service.collect_visit_log_once_a_day, a.z = String(Math.round(1e6 * Math.random())), n = k.prefs_protocol() + "://" + k.reco_logging_server_domain(), n += "/s/" + encodeURIComponent(t) + "/u/" + encodeURIComponent(a.uid) + "/" + a.action, l = k.clone(a), delete l.service, delete l.sp_client, delete l.uid, delete l.action, delete l.site, delete l.kakao_log_url, delete l.adx_log_url, delete l.nasmedia_log_url, delete l.nhnace_log_url, !((null != (o = l.items) && null != (p = o[0]) ? p.c1 : void 0) && k.isBrokenTextEncoding(null != (q = l.items) && null != (r = q[0]) ? r.c1 : void 0))) { if (i && "visit" === a.action) { if (d.check_cookie("__dbl_v")) return; j = new Date, s = 60 * (23 - j.getHours()) * 60 + 60 * (59 - j.getMinutes()) + (59 - j.getSeconds()), d.set_cookie("__dbl_v", "1", 1e3 * s) } return c.get(n, l, function (c) { var d, f, g, h, i, j, m, o; return "OK" !== c && k.debug("[RECO-LOGGING API ERROR] FROM " + n + ", " + c.result), b && b(), e.send(t, null != (g = l.items) && null != (h = g[0]) ? h.c1 : void 0, null != (i = l.items) && null != (j = i[0]) ? j.c2 : void 0, a.service.ga_sample_rate || 0, a.service.service_id), e.sendForGa360Test(t, null != (m = l.items) && null != (o = m[0]) ? o.c1 : void 0, null != (d = l.items) && null != (f = d[0]) ? f.c2 : void 0, a.service.ga_sample_rate || 0, a.service.service_id) }), "jogunshop.com" !== t || "buy" !== a.action && "visit" !== a.action || ("buy" === a.action ? (v = k.protocol() + "//" + k.sp_api_server_domain() + "/logs", v += "/clients/jogunshop.com", v += "/users/" + encodeURIComponent(a.uid) + "/purchase", m = k.clone(l), m.value = function () { var a, b, c, d, e; for (e = 0, d = m.items, a = 0, c = d.length; c > a; a++) b = d[a], e += Number(b.total_sales || 0); return e }(), m.currency = "KRW", delete m.items, c.get(v, m, function () {})) : d.check_cookie("__dbl_jogun_pv") || (v = k.protocol() + "//" + k.sp_api_server_domain() + "/logs", v += "/clients/jogunshop.com", v += "/users/" + encodeURIComponent(a.uid) + "/visit", j = new Date, s = 60 * (23 - j.getHours()) * 60 + 60 * (59 - j.getMinutes()) + (59 - j.getSeconds()), d.set_cookie("__dbl_jogun_pv", "1", 1e3 * s), c.get(v, l, function () {}))), a.service.tg_client_name && setTimeout(function () { return function () { return ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.dablena : void 0) || ! function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { return a[c] = a[c] || function () { return (a[c].q = a[c].q || []).push(arguments) }, e = b.createElement(d), e.async = 1, e.charset = "utf-8", e.src = k.protocol() + "//static.dable.io/dist/dablena.min.js", f = b.getElementsByTagName(d)[0], f.parentNode.insertBefore(e, f) }(window, document, "dablena", "script"), dablena("init", a.service.tg_client_name), dablena("isTgClient", 1), dablena("track", "PageView") } }(this), 3e3), g(a.kakao_log_url), g(a.adx_log_url), g(a.nasmedia_log_url), g(a.nhnace_log_url), f.logIASPixelRandomly({ rate: a.service.ga_sample_rate, logFn: h }) } }, b.exports = { sendActionLog: j } }, { "./JSONP.coffee": 4, "./cookie.js": 11, "./ga.coffee": 13, "./ias": 14, "./scroll-manager.coffee": 22, "./util.coffee": 24 }], 17: [function (a, b) { var c = function () { function a(a, b) { if (!e[a]) { e[a] = {}; for (var c = 0; c < a.length; c++) e[a][a.charAt(c)] = c } return e[a][b] } var b = String.fromCharCode, c = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", d = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+-$", e = {}, f = { compressToBase64: function (a) { if (null == a) return ""; var b = f._compress(a, 6, function (a) { return c.charAt(a) }); switch (b.length % 4) { default: case 0: return b; case 1: return b + "==="; case 2: return b + "=="; case 3: return b + "=" } }, decompressFromBase64: function (b) { return null == b ? "" : "" == b ? null : f._decompress(b.length, 32, function (d) { return a(c, b.charAt(d)) }) }, compressToUTF16: function (a) { return null == a ? "" : f._compress(a, 15, function (a) { return b(a + 32) }) + " " }, decompressFromUTF16: function (a) { return null == a ? "" : "" == a ? null : f._decompress(a.length, 16384, function (b) { return a.charCodeAt(b) - 32 }) }, compressToUint8Array: function (a) { for (var b = f.compress(a), c = new Uint8Array(2 * b.length), d = 0, e = b.length; e > d; d++) { var g = b.charCodeAt(d); c[2 * d] = g >>> 8, c[2 * d + 1] = g % 256 } return c }, decompressFromUint8Array: function (a) { if (null === a || void 0 === a) return f.decompress(a); for (var c = new Array(a.length / 2), d = 0, e = c.length; e > d; d++) c[d] = 256 * a[2 * d] + a[2 * d + 1]; var g = []; return c.forEach(function (a) { g.push(b(a)) }), f.decompress(g.join("")) }, compressToEncodedURIComponent: function (a) { return null == a ? "" : f._compress(a, 6, function (a) { return d.charAt(a) }) }, decompressFromEncodedURIComponent: function (b) { return null == b ? "" : "" == b ? null : (b = b.replace(/ /g, "+"), f._decompress(b.length, 32, function (c) { return a(d, b.charAt(c)) })) }, compress: function (a) { return f._compress(a, 16, function (a) { return b(a) }) }, _compress: function (a, b, c) { if (null == a) return ""; var d, e, f, g = {}, h = {}, i = "", j = "", k = "", l = 2, m = 3, n = 2, o = [], p = 0, q = 0; for (f = 0; f < a.length; f += 1) if (i = a.charAt(f), Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, i) || (g[i] = m++, h[i] = !0), j = k + i, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, j)) k = j; else { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h, k)) { if (k.charCodeAt(0) < 256) { for (d = 0; n > d; d++) p <<= 1, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++; for (e = k.charCodeAt(0), d = 0; 8 > d; d++) p = p << 1 | 1 & e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e >>= 1 } else { for (e = 1, d = 0; n > d; d++) p = p << 1 | e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e = 0; for (e = k.charCodeAt(0), d = 0; 16 > d; d++) p = p << 1 | 1 & e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e >>= 1 } l--, 0 == l && (l = Math.pow(2, n), n++), delete h[k] } else for (e = g[k], d = 0; n > d; d++) p = p << 1 | 1 & e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e >>= 1; l--, 0 == l && (l = Math.pow(2, n), n++), g[j] = m++, k = String(i) } if ("" !== k) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h, k)) { if (k.charCodeAt(0) < 256) { for (d = 0; n > d; d++) p <<= 1, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++; for (e = k.charCodeAt(0), d = 0; 8 > d; d++) p = p << 1 | 1 & e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e >>= 1 } else { for (e = 1, d = 0; n > d; d++) p = p << 1 | e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e = 0; for (e = k.charCodeAt(0), d = 0; 16 > d; d++) p = p << 1 | 1 & e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e >>= 1 } l--, 0 == l && (l = Math.pow(2, n), n++), delete h[k] } else for (e = g[k], d = 0; n > d; d++) p = p << 1 | 1 & e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e >>= 1; l--, 0 == l && (l = Math.pow(2, n), n++) } for (e = 2, d = 0; n > d; d++) p = p << 1 | 1 & e, q == b - 1 ? (q = 0, o.push(c(p)), p = 0) : q++, e >>= 1; for (;;) { if (p <<= 1, q == b - 1) { o.push(c(p)); break } q++ } return o.join("") }, decompress: function (a) { return null == a ? "" : "" == a ? null : f._decompress(a.length, 32768, function (b) { return a.charCodeAt(b) }) }, _decompress: function (a, c, d) { var e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m = [], n = 4, o = 4, p = 3, q = "", r = [], s = { val: d(0), position: c, index: 1 }; for (f = 0; 3 > f; f += 1) m[f] = f; for (h = 0, j = Math.pow(2, 2), k = 1; k != j;) i = s.val & s.position, s.position >>= 1, 0 == s.position && (s.position = c, s.val = d(s.index++)), h |= (i > 0 ? 1 : 0) * k, k <<= 1; switch (e = h) { case 0: for (h = 0, j = Math.pow(2, 8), k = 1; k != j;) i = s.val & s.position, s.position >>= 1, 0 == s.position && (s.position = c, s.val = d(s.index++)), h |= (i > 0 ? 1 : 0) * k, k <<= 1; l = b(h); break; case 1: for (h = 0, j = Math.pow(2, 16), k = 1; k != j;) i = s.val & s.position, s.position >>= 1, 0 == s.position && (s.position = c, s.val = d(s.index++)), h |= (i > 0 ? 1 : 0) * k, k <<= 1; l = b(h); break; case 2: return "" } for (m[3] = l, g = l, r.push(l);;) { if (s.index > a) return ""; for (h = 0, j = Math.pow(2, p), k = 1; k != j;) i = s.val & s.position, s.position >>= 1, 0 == s.position && (s.position = c, s.val = d(s.index++)), h |= (i > 0 ? 1 : 0) * k, k <<= 1; switch (l = h) { case 0: for (h = 0, j = Math.pow(2, 8), k = 1; k != j;) i = s.val & s.position, s.position >>= 1, 0 == s.position && (s.position = c, s.val = d(s.index++)), h |= (i > 0 ? 1 : 0) * k, k <<= 1; m[o++] = b(h), l = o - 1, n--; break; case 1: for (h = 0, j = Math.pow(2, 16), k = 1; k != j;) i = s.val & s.position, s.position >>= 1, 0 == s.position && (s.position = c, s.val = d(s.index++)), h |= (i > 0 ? 1 : 0) * k, k <<= 1; m[o++] = b(h), l = o - 1, n--; break; case 2: return r.join("") } if (0 == n && (n = Math.pow(2, p), p++), m[l]) q = m[l]; else { if (l !== o) return null; q = g + g.charAt(0) } r.push(q), m[o++] = g + q.charAt(0), n--, g = q, 0 == n && (n = Math.pow(2, p), p++) } } }; return f }(); "function" == typeof define && define.amd ? define(function () { return c }) : "undefined" != typeof b && null != b && (b.exports = c) }, {}], 18: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e; e = a("./util.coffee"), d = function (a, b) { var f, g; if (null == b && (b = !1), c.auto) return a(); if ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (g = window.dable) ? g.mall : void 0) { for (f in window.dable.mall) c[f] = window.dable.mall[f]; return a() } return b || e.includeScript(e.protocol() + "//static.dable.io/dist/mall.min.js"), setTimeout(function () { return d(a, !0) }, 200) }, c = { prepare: d }, b.exports = c }, { "./util.coffee": 24 }], 19: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w; d = a("./ajax.coffee"), w = a("./util.coffee"), c = a("./JSONP.coffee"), i = a("./crc32.js"), n = function () { return null != ("undefined" != typeof document && null !== document ? document.querySelectorAll : void 0) }, u = function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; for (c = a.split("/"), g = b.split("/"), "/" === b.substr(0, 1) && (c.splice(3, c.length), g.splice(0, 1)), d = 0, e = g.length; e > d; d++) f = g[d], ".." === f ? c.length > 3 && c.splice(-1, 1) : "." !== f && f && c.push(f); return c.join("/") }, e = function (a) { var b, c; return a ? (c = location.href, b = a.match(/https?:\/\/[^"^'^>]+/), (null != b ? b[0] : void 0) ? b[0] : (b = a.match(/\/\/[^"^'^\\^>]+/), (null != b ? b[0] : void 0) ? b[0] : (b = a.match(/[ \t\r\n]src="(\.?\.?\/[^"]+)"/), b || (b = a.match(/[ \t\r\n]src='(\.?\.?\/[^']+)'/)), (null != b ? b[1] : void 0) ? u(c, b[1]) : u(c, a)))) : "" }, f = function (a) { return null == a ? a : (a = a.replace(/\r?\n?/g, ""), a = a.replace(/).)+(<\/script>)?/gi, ""), a = a.replace(/<[^>]*>/g, ""), a = a.replace(/[^0-9^\.]+/g, "")) }, g = function (a) { return null == a ? a : (a = a.replace(/&/g, "&"), a = a.replace(/[\&]utm_[^=^&]+=[^&]+/g, ""), a = a.replace(/[\?]utm_[^=^&]+=[^&]+/g, "?"), a = a.replace(/\?\&/, "?")) }, h = function (a, b) { var c, d; return null == b && (b = {}), d = b.nocut, c = b.cut, a.match(/\uFFFD/) ? "" : null == a ? "" : (a = a.replace(/</g, "<").replace(/>/g, ">").replace(/ /g, " ").replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, "'").replace(/&/g, "&").replace(/\s+/g, " "), d ? a : c ? a.substr(0, c) : a.substr(0, 200)) }, m = function () { var a, b; return a = null, b = (new Date).valueOf() + 1e3, function (c, d) { var e, f, g, h, i, j, k; if (null == d && (d = !0), (!a || b < (new Date).valueOf()) && (a = document.getElementsByTagName("meta")), e = a.length, !e) return ""; if (d) { for (g = h = k = a.length - 1; 0 >= k ? 0 >= h : h >= 0; g = 0 >= k ? ++h : --h) if (f = a[g], f.getAttribute("property") === c || f.getAttribute("name") === c) return f.getAttribute("content") || f.getAttribute("value") || "" } else for (i = 0, j = a.length; j > i; i++) if (f = a[i], f.getAttribute("property") === c || f.getAttribute("name") === c) return f.getAttribute("content") || f.getAttribute("value") || ""; return "" } }(), j = function () { var a; return a = null, function () { var b, c, d, e, f; a || (a = document.getElementsByTagName("link")); try { for (d = e = f = a.length - 1; 0 >= f ? 0 >= e : e >= 0; d = 0 >= f ? ++e : --e) if (c = a[d], "canonical" === c.getAttribute("rel")) return c.getAttribute("href") } catch (g) { return b = g, "" } return "" } }(), l = function (a) { var b; return b = document.getElementById(a), null != b ? b.innerHTML : void 0 }, k = function (a) { var b, c; return b = document.querySelectorAll(a), null != b && null != (c = b[0]) ? c.innerHTML : void 0 }, r = function () { var a, b; return a = "object" == (b = typeof document.querySelector) || "function" === b, a && document.querySelector('[itemprop="articleBody"],.__dable_article_body') }, q = function () { var a; return n() ? (a = r(), (null != a ? a.innerText : void 0) || null) : null }, p = function (a) { var b, c, d, i, o; if (!n()) return null; for (a || (a = ["item_id", "no_meta_update", "url", "title", "image_url", "price", "author", "currency", "sale_price", "sale_currency", "availability", "description", "category1", "category2", "category3", "custom1", "custom2", "custom3", "custom4", "custom5", "published_time"]), i = { no_meta_update: function () { return h(m("dable:no_meta_update")) }, item_id: function () { return h(m("dable:item_id")) }, url: function () { var a; return a = g(m("dable:url") || m("og:url") || j()), "//" === a.substr(0, 2) && (a = window.location.protocol + a), a }, title: function () { return h(k(".__dable_title") || m("dable:title") || m("og:title") || m("title") || document.title) }, image_url: function () { var a; return a = e(m("dable:image") || m("og:image") || m("og:image:url")), "//" === a.substr(0, 2) && (a = window.location.protocol + a), a }, price: function () { return f(k(".__dable_price") || m("product:price:amount")) }, author: function () { return h(m("product:brand") || m("dable:author") || m("article:author") || m("author")) || null }, currency: function () { return h(m("product:price:currency")) }, sale_price: function () { return f(m("product:sale_price:amount")) }, sale_currency: function () { return h(m("product:sale_price:currency")) }, availability: function () { var a, b, c, d, e; return b = null, a = document.querySelectorAll("[data-dable-availability]"), (null != a && null != (c = a[0]) ? c.hasAttribute("data-dable-availability") : void 0) && (e = null != a && null != (d = a[0]) ? d.getAttribute("data-dable-availability") : void 0, "displaynone" !== e && (b = "oos")), b || (b = k(".__dable_availability") && "oos" || m("product:availability") || null), b }, description: function () { return h(m("dable:description") || m("og:description")).substr(0, 100) }, category1: function () { return h(m("dable:section") || l("article:section") || m("article:section") || m("product:category"), { cut: 64 }) }, category2: function () { return h(m("dable:section2") || m("article:section2") || m("product:category2"), { cut: 64 }) }, category3: function () { return h(m("dable:section3") || m("article:section3") || m("product:category3"), { cut: 64 }) }, custom1: function () { return h(m("dable:custom1")) }, custom2: function () { return h(m("dable:custom2")) }, custom3: function () { return h(m("dable:custom3")) }, custom4: function () { return h(m("dable:custom4")) }, custom5: function () { return h(m("dable:custom5")) }, published_time: function () { return h(m("dable:published_time") || m("article:published_time")) || null } }, b = {}, c = 0, d = a.length; d > c; c++) o = a[c], b[o] = i[o](); return b }, s = function () { return function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f; for (a || (a = ["item_id", "url", "category1", "category2", "category3", "comment_count"]), e = { item_id: function () { return h(m("dable:item_id")) }, url: function () { var a; return a = g(m("dable:url") || m("og:url") || j()), "//" === a.substr(0, 2) && (a = "http:" + a), a }, category1: function () { return h(l("article:section") || m("article:section") || m("product:category"), { cut: 64 }) }, category2: function () { return h(m("article:section2") || m("product:category2"), { cut: 64 }) }, category3: function () { return h(m("article:section3") || m("product:category3"), { cut: 64 }) }, comment_count: function () { return h(m("dable:comment_count")) }, published_time: function () { return h(m("dable:published_time") || m("article:published_time")) || null } }, b = {}, c = 0, d = a.length; d > c; c++) f = a[c], b[f] = e[f](); return b } }(), o = function (a) { var b, c; return b = function () { return "view" !== a ? !0 : !/dable=/.test(window.location.href) }, c = function () { return "oos" === p(["availability"]).availability || "out of stock" === p(["availability"]).availability }, b() ? !1 : c() }, v = function (a, b, e) { var f, g; if (0 !== (null != b ? b.length : void 0) && (null != b && null != (g = b[0]) ? g.id : void 0) && n()) return f = window.location.href, setTimeout(function () { var g, h, j, k, l, m; return h = e.is_update_article_body, j = null != b ? b[0].id : void 0, g = p(), g && g.title && "true" !== g.no_meta_update && !(g.item_id && j !== g.item_id || f !== window.location.href || w.isBrokenTextEncoding(g.title) || "superich.co.kr" === a && -1 === ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (k = window.navigator) && null != (l = k.userAgent) ? l.indexOf("IE") : void 0)) ? (m = w.protocol() + "//" + w.api_server_domain() + "/items/services", m += "/" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "/id", m += "/" + encodeURIComponent(j) + "/checksum", c.get(m, {}, function (b) { var e, f, k, l, n, o, p, r, s, t, u; if (p = null != b && null != (r = b.result) ? r.checksum : void 0, o = null != b && null != (s = b.result) ? s.body_length : void 0, "BLOCKED" !== p) { if (f = g.url, e = g.description, delete g.url, delete g.description, delete g.no_meta_update, delete g.item_id, n = i(g), f && (g.url = f), e && (g.description = e.substr(0, 100)), n !== p && (g.body_length = (null != (t = q()) ? t.length : void 0) || 0), m = w.protocol() + "//" + w.api_server_domain() + "/items/services", m += "/" + encodeURIComponent(a) + "/id", m += "/" + encodeURIComponent(j) + "/update", h && (k = q(), l = (null != k ? k.length : void 0) || 0, l > 100 && (l / o > 1.1 || .9 > l / o))) { if (g.articleBody = k, u = d.post(m, g, function () {})) return; delete g.articleBody } if (n !== p) return c.get(m, g, function () {}) } })) : void 0 }, window.TEST_META_UPDATE_DELAY || 5e3) }, "undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (t = window.dable) && (t.__meta_test = p), b.exports = { read: p, read_body: q, read_body_el: r, read_item: s, get_meta_value: m, is_hidden: o, update_item: v, cleansing_value: h } }, { "./JSONP.coffee": 4, "./ajax.coffee": 7, "./crc32.js": 34, "./util.coffee": 24 }], 20: [function (a, b) { function c(a, b) { f[a] || (f[a] = []); var c = (++g).toString(); return f[a].push({ subscriberId: c, func: b }), c } function d(a, b) { return f[a] ? (setTimeout(function () { for (var c = f[a], d = c.length || 0; d--;) c[d].func(b) }, 0), !0) : !1 } function e(a) { var b; for (b in f) { var c = f[b]; if (c) for (var d = 0; d < c.length; d++) { var e = c[d]; if (e.subscriberId === a) return c.splice(d, 1), a } } return !1 } var f = {}, g = -1; b.exports = { publish: d, subscribe: c, unsubscribe: e } }, {}], 21: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h; h = a("./util.coffee"), c = [{ path: /(www\.)?bing\.com\/search/, param: "q" }, { path: "search.zum.com/search.zum", param: "query" }, { path: /(www\.)?google\.[a-z\.]+\/search/, param: "q" }, { path: /[a-z\.]*search\.naver\.com\/search\.naver/, param: "query" }, { path: /[a-z\.]*search\.daum\.net\/search/, param: "q" }], d = function (a, b) { var c, d; try { return d = decodeURIComponent(a), b(d) } catch (e) { return c = e, JSONP.get(h.protocol() + "//api.dable.io/util/decodeuriforeuckr", { str: a }, function (a) { return b(a.result) }) } }, f = function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f; if (-1 === a.indexOf("?")) return null; for (f = a.substr(a.indexOf("?") + 1).split("&"), c = 0, d = f.length; d > c; c++) if (e = f[c], 0 === e.indexOf(b + "=")) return e.substr(e.indexOf("=") + 1); return null }, g = function (a) { var b, d, e, f; for (f = null, b = 0, d = c.length; d > b; b++) e = c[b], e.path instanceof RegExp && e.path.test(a) ? f = e : "string" == typeof e.path && a.indexOf(e.path) > -1 && (f = e); return f }, e = function (a, b) { var c, e; return (c = g(a)) ? (e = f(a, c.param), d(e, function (a) { return b(a) })) : b(null) }, b.exports = { fetch: e } }, { "./util.coffee": 24 }], 22: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o = [].slice; e = a("./event"), n = a("./util.coffee"), l = null, k = [], c = function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g; if (a.elapsed_milisec = a.elapsed_milisec + 100, a.elapsed_milisec >= 1e3) { for (g = [], c = d = 0, f = k.length; f > d && (e = k[c], e); c = ++d) e.interval_id === a.interval_id ? (k.splice(c, 1), a.cb(b), clearInterval(a.interval_id), g.push(a.isIntervalRegistered = !1)) : g.push(void 0); return g } }, d = function () { var a, b, d, e, f, g; for (g = n.getScrollY(), f = [], a = b = 0, e = k.length; e > b && (d = k[a], d); a = ++b) "offsetY" === d.cb_trigger_type ? d.offsety <= g ? (k.splice(a, 1), f.push(d.cb(g))) : f.push(void 0) : "watching_area" === d.cb_trigger_type && "start_and_end_once" === d.cb_timing ? d.expose_scroll_y.top <= g && g <= d.expose_scroll_y.bottom ? d.is_started ? f.push(void 0) : (d.is_started = !0, f.push(d.cb(g, "start"))) : d.is_started ? (d.is_started = !1, f.push(d.cb(g, "end"))) : f.push(void 0) : d.offsety <= g && g <= d.posEndY ? d.isIntervalRegistered ? f.push(void 0) : (d.isIntervalRegistered = !0, f.push(d.interval_id = setInterval(c.bind(null, d, g), 100))) : d.isIntervalRegistered ? (d.isIntervalRegistered = !1, clearInterval(d.interval_id), f.push(d.elapsed_milisec = 0)) : f.push(void 0); return f }, g = function () { return l && clearTimeout(l), l = setTimeout(d, 100) }, e.addEvent(n.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", g, 999999 * Math.random()), i = function (a, b) { var c, e, f, g, h, i, j, l; return e = null != (i = a.cb_trigger_type) ? i : "offsetY", c = a.cb_timing, h = a.offsety, g = null != (j = a.isWatchWithTimer) ? j : !1, f = null != (l = a.expose_scroll_y) ? l : null, k.push({ cb_trigger_type: e, cb_timing: c, offsety: h, isWatchWithTimer: g, expose_scroll_y: f, elapsed_milisec: 0, cb: b }), d() }, f = function (a) { var b, c, d; for (b = 0, d = k.length; d > b; b++) if (c = k[b], c.cb === a) return !0; return !1 }, m = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f; for (f = [], b = c = 0, e = k.length; e > c; b = ++c) { if (d = k[b], d.cb === a) { clearTimeout(d.interval_id), k.splice(b, 1); break } f.push(void 0) } return f }, j = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, j, k, l, p, q, r, s, t, u; s = a.targetElement, h = a.method, e = a.cb_trigger_type, d = a.cb_timing, j = null != (k = a.offsetY) ? k : 0, u = a.watching_top, t = a.watching_bottom, r = null != (l = a.reregisterIntervalMs) ? l : null, g = null != (p = a.isWatchWithTimer) ? p : !1, c = !1, b = function () { var a; return a = 1 <= arguments.length ? o.call(arguments, 0) : [], c = !0, h.apply(null, a) }, q = function (f) { var h, k, l; if (!c) return f || m(b), h = n.getOffsetY(s), h !== !1 && (l = h - n.getHeight().viewport + j, k = null, "watching_area" === e && (k = { top: u - n.getHeight().viewport, bottom: t }), a = { cb_trigger_type: e, cb_timing: d, offsety: l, isWatchWithTimer: g, expose_scroll_y: k }, i(a, b)), r ? setTimeout(q, r) : void 0 }; try { return top.window.location.href, q(!0) } catch (v) { return f = v, h(null) } }, h = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h; g = a.targetElement, d = null != (f = a.offsetY) ? f : 0; try { top.window.location.href } catch (i) { return b = i, !0 } return h = n.getScrollY(), c = n.getOffsetY(g), c !== !1 ? (e = c - n.getHeight().viewport + d, h >= e) : !1 }, b.exports = { listen: i, listenByElement: j, exists: f, unlisten: m, isElWithinOffsetY: h } }, { "./event": 12, "./util.coffee": 24 }], 23: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j; j = a("../util.coffee"), g = "ds-popup-" + parseInt(999999 * Math.random()), f = "ds-frame-" + parseInt(999999 * Math.random()), d = function (a) { var b, d, e, h, i, k, l, m, n; return b = a.campaign_id, m = a.is_mobile, e = a.custom_w, d = a.custom_h, document.getElementById(g) ? void 0 : (h = document.createElement("div"), h.id = g, h.style.position = "fixed", h.style.zIndex = "99999999", h.style.top = "0", h.style.right = "0", h.style.bottom = "0", h.style.left = "0", h.style.textAlign = "center", h.style.display = "none", h.style.overflow = "auto", i = document.createElement("div"), i.style.position = "fixed", i.style.top = "0", i.style.right = "0", i.style.bottom = "0", i.style.left = "0", i.style.backgroundColor = "#000", i.style.opacity = ".8", i.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=80)", i.onclick = c, k = document.createElement("div"), k.className = "dable-minicontent-wrap", m ? (n = e || "95%", l = d || "100%", k.style.position = "fixed", k.style.top = "0", k.style.right = "0", k.style.bottom = "0", k.style.left = "0", /^[0-9]+$/.test(l) && (l = Number(l), k.style.top = "50%", k.style.bottom = "auto", k.style.marginTop = "-" + l / 2 + "px")) : (n = e || 550, l = d || Math.max(j.getHeight().viewport - 100, 400), k.style.position = "absolute", k.style.top = "50px", k.style.left = "50%", k.style.margin = "0 0 0 -" + n / 2 + "px", k.style.width = n + "px", k.style.height = l + "px", k.style.borderRadius = "2px"), k.innerHTML = "", h.appendChild(i), h.appendChild(k), document.body.appendChild(h)) }, e = !1, i = function (a) { var b, c, h, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u; return b = a.campaign_id, c = a.content_id, u = null != (r = a.service_name) ? r : "", n = null != (s = a.is_content_request) ? s : !1, o = a.is_mobile, m = a.is_IOS, p = null != (t = a.nocache) ? t : !1, i = a.custom_w, h = a.custom_h, e || (l = /iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.userAgent), j.insertCss(l ? ".dable-minicontent-body{overflow:hidden;position:fixed;}" : ".dable-minicontent-body{overflow:hidden;}"), j.insertCss(".dable-minicontent-wrap{overflow:auto;-webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch}"), e = !0), d({ campaign_id: b, is_mobile: o, custom_w: i, custom_h: h }), q = document.getElementById(g), k = document.getElementById(f), k.src = j.protocol() + "//news.dable.io/" + encodeURIComponent(b + "-" + c) + "/minicontent?is_mobile=" + (o && "1" || "") + ("&is_IOS=" + (m && "1" || "")) + ("&from=" + encodeURIComponent(window.location.href)) + ("&service_name=" + encodeURIComponent(u)) + (n && "&is_content_request=1" || "") + (p && "&nocache=1" || ""), q.style.display = "block", document.body.className += " dable-minicontent-body" }, c = function () { var a; return a = document.getElementById(g), document.body.className = document.body.className.replace(" dable-minicontent-body", ""), a ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : void 0 }, "undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (h = window.dable) && (h.__minicontent = { show: i, close: c }), b.exports = { show: i, close: c } }, { "../util.coffee": 24 }], 24: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u; n = !1, c = 10; try { for (i = window, e = null, h = 0; c > h && (null != (q = i.parent) && null != (r = q.document) ? r.body : void 0) && (null != (s = i.parent) ? s.window : void 0) && i.parent !== i;) { for (e = i.parent, d = e.window.innerHeight, p = null, j = e.document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"), m = 0, o = j.length; o > m; m++) l = j[m], l.contentWindow === i && (p = l); if (n = !!p, !(null != j ? j.length : void 0) || !n) break; i = i.parent.window, h++ } } catch (v) { k = v } g = window, f = "https:" === ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (t = window.location) ? t.protocol : void 0) ? "https:" : "http:", u = { is_parent_window_exists_and_accessible: function () { return n }, root_window: function () { return i }, get_scroll_base_el: function () { return g }, set_scroll_base_el: function (a) { return g = a }, get_parent_frame: function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g; try { for (b = a.ownerDocument, g = b.defaultView || b.parentWindow, j = null != (e = g.parent) && null != (f = e.document) ? f.getElementsByTagName("iframe") : void 0, c = 0, d = j.length; d > c; c++) if (l = j[c], l.contentWindow === g) return l } catch (h) { k = h } return null }, api_server_domain: function () { return ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.TEST_API_SERVER_DOMAIN : void 0) || "api.dable.io" }, sp_api_server_domain: function () { return ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.TEST_SP_API_SERVER_DOMAIN : void 0) || "sp-api.dable.io" }, banner_server_domain: function () { return ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.TEST_BANNER_SERVER_DOMAIN : void 0) || "ax-bn.dable.io" }, reco_logging_server_domain: function () { return ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.TEST_RECO_LOGGING_SERVER_DOMAIN : void 0) || "r-log.dable.io" }, prefs_protocol: function () { return ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window ? window.TEST_PREFS_PROTOCOL : void 0) || "https" }, set_protocol: function (a) { return f = a }, protocol: function () { return f }, debug: function (a) { var b; try { return null != (b = window.console) && "function" == typeof b.log ? b.log("Dable DEBUG: " + a) : void 0 } catch (c) { k = c } }, attr: function (a, b) { return a.getAttribute(b) }, isArray: function (a) { return "[object Array]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(a) }, getUidGroup: function (a) { var b, c; return c = String(a).split(".")[0], b = parseInt(c.substr(c.length - 1, 1), 10) }, isSafari: function () { var a; return a = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), -1 !== a.indexOf("safari") && -1 === a.indexOf("chrome") && -1 === a.indexOf("crios") && -1 === a.indexOf("fxios") }, isMobileDevice: function () { var a; return a = navigator.userAgent || "", /(android).+mobile|\(.*ip(hone|od)|opera m(ob|in)i/i.test(a) }, isMobileView: function () { var a, b, c, d, e; return e = window.innerWidth || (null != (a = document.documentElement) ? a.clientWidth : void 0) || (null != (b = document.body) ? b.clientWidth : void 0), d = 500 >= e, c = u.isMobileDevice(), c || d }, isIOSDevice: function () { var a; return a = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(), /ip(hone|od|ad)/i.test(a) }, isScrollBottom: function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, l, m, o; if (null == b && (b = 10), n) try { m = parent.window, c = parent.document } catch (p) { k = p } else m = window, c = document; try { e = a && u.getElemHeight(a) + u.getOffsetY(a) || (null != c && null != (f = c.body) ? f.offsetHeight : void 0), o = 0, u.get_scroll_base_el() !== m && (null != (g = u.get_scroll_base_el()) ? g.scrollTop : void 0) ? o = u.get_scroll_base_el().scrollTop : "number" == typeof m.pageYOffset ? o = m.pageYOffset : (null != c && null != (h = c.documentElement) ? h.scrollTop : void 0) ? o = c.documentElement.scrollTop : (null != c && null != (i = c.body) ? i.scrollTop : void 0) && (o = c.body.scrollTop), d = m.innerHeight || (null != c && null != (j = c.documentElement) ? j.clientHeight : void 0) || (null != c && null != (l = c.body) ? l.clientHeight : void 0) } catch (p) { return k = p, !1 } return d + o >= e - b }, getScrollY: function () { var a, b, c, d, e, f; if (n) try { e = parent, a = parent.document } catch (g) { k = g, e = window, a = document } else e = window, a = document; return f = 0, u.get_scroll_base_el() !== e && (null != (b = u.get_scroll_base_el()) ? b.scrollTop : void 0) ? f = u.get_scroll_base_el().scrollTop : "number" == typeof e.pageYOffset && 0 !== e.pageYOffset ? f = e.pageYOffset : (null != (c = a.documentElement) ? c.scrollTop : void 0) ? f = a.documentElement.scrollTop : (null != (d = a.body) ? d.scrollTop : void 0) && (f = a.body.scrollTop), f }, getHeight: function () { var a, b, c; return c = n ? u.root_window() : window, a = c.document.body, b = c.document.documentElement || document.body, { viewport: c.innerHeight || b.clientHeight, window: Math.max(a.scrollHeight, a.offsetHeight, b.clientHeight, b.scrollHeight, b.offsetHeight) } }, getElemHeight: function (a) { return null != a ? a.offsetHeight : void 0 }, isHidden: function (a) { return 0 === a.offsetWidth && 0 === a.offsetHeight }, getOffset: function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i; if (null == b && (b = !1), d = a, !a) return !1; if (!b && u.isHidden(a)) return !1; if (h = 0, i = 0, a) for (;;) if (h += a.offsetLeft || 0, i += a.offsetTop || 0, a = a.offsetParent, !a) break; try { return c = d.ownerDocument, g = c.defaultView || c.parentWindow, n && (null != (f = g.parent) ? f.window : void 0) && g.parent !== g ? (e = u.getOffset(u.get_parent_frame(d), !0), { x: h + e.x, y: i + e.y }) : { x: h, y: i } } catch (j) { return k = j, { x: h, y: i } } }, getOffsetY: function (a) { var b; return b = u.getOffset(a), b ? b.y : !1 }, readParam: function () { var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j; for (i = ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (f = window.location) ? f.search : void 0) || "", e = {}, g = i.substr(1).split("&"), b = 0, d = g.length; d > b; b++) a = g[b], h = a.split("="), c = h[0], j = h[1], c && j && (e[c] = j); return function (a) { return e[a] } }(), clone: function (a) { var b, c; if (null === a || "object" != typeof a || "isActiveClone" in a) return a; c = a.constructor(); for (b in a) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, b) && (a.isActiveClone = null, c[b] = u.clone(a[b]), delete a.isActiveClone); return c }, isWifi: function () { var a; return a = ("undefined" != typeof navigator && null !== navigator ? navigator.connection : void 0) || ("undefined" != typeof navigator && null !== navigator ? navigator.mozConnection : void 0) || ("undefined" != typeof navigator && null !== navigator ? navigator.webkitConnection : void 0), a ? "wifi" === (null != a ? a.type : void 0) : null }, getFullUserLanguage: function () { var a, b; return a = (null != (b = navigator.languages) ? b[0] : void 0) || navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage || "ko" }, getDableLanguage: function () { var a, b; return a = u.getFullUserLanguage(), b = { "zh-TW": "zh-TW", "zh-Hant": "zh-TW", "zh-HK": "zh-TW", "zh-CN": "zh-CN", "zh-Hans": "zh-CN", "zh-SG": "zh-CN" }, b[a] || a.split("-")[0].toLowerCase() }, includeScript: function (a) { var b; return b = document.createElement("script"), b.type = "text/javascript", b.src = a, document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b) }, stripAndExecuteScript: function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j; for (i = [], j = "", b = a.replace(/]* src=['"]([^>^'^"^ ]+)[^>]*><\/script>/gi, function () { return i.push(arguments[1]), "" }), b = a.replace(/]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi, function () { return j += arguments[1] + "\n", "" }), d = 0, e = i.length; e > d; d++) g = i[d], u.includeScript(g); if (window.execScript) try { j && window.execScript(j) } catch (l) { k = l, ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (f = window.console) ? f.log : void 0) && "undefined" != typeof console && null !== console && console.log(k) } else c = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], h = document.createElement("script"), h.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"), h.innerText = j, c.appendChild(h), c.removeChild(h); return b }, getReferrer: function () { var a, b; return b = document.referrer, (null != b ? b.indexOf("api.dable.io/widgets") : void 0) > -1 && (a = (null != b ? b.indexOf("?") : void 0) || -1, a > -1) ? b.substring(0, a) : b }, insertCss: function (a) { var b; return b = document.createElement("style"), b.type = "text/css", b.styleSheet ? b.styleSheet.cssText = a : b.innerHTML = a, document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(b) }, isBrokenTextEncoding: function (a) { var b, c; return "string" != typeof a ? !1 : (b = a.length, c = a.split("").filter(function (a) { return a.charCodeAt(0) >= 128 && a.charCodeAt(0) < 256 }).length, 2 * c > b) } }, b.exports = u }, {}], 25: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P = [].indexOf || function (a) { for (var b = 0, c = this.length; c > b; b++) if (b in this && this[b] === a) return b; return -1 }, Q = function (a, b) { return function () { return a.apply(b, arguments) } }; c = a("./JSON"), d = a("./JSONP.coffee"), C = a("./pubsub.js"), N = a("./util.coffee"), K = a("./ba-postmessage.js"), f = a("./adult.js"), w = a("./lz-string.js"), x = a("./meta.coffee"), k = a("./event.js"), E = a("./scroll-manager.coffee"), y = a("./sp/minicontent.coffee"), o = a("./widgets/inarticle.coffee"), F = a("./widgets/secret.coffee"), l = a("./widgets/floating.coffee"), p = a("./widgets/infinite-feed.coffee"), M = a("./widgets/up-down.coffee"), L = a("./widgets/storywidget.js"), n = function () { return ["width", "height", "widget_id", "passback_url", "passback_height"] }, G = function (a, b) { return K.postMessage(b, a.getAttribute("src") || a.getAttribute("data-org_src"), a.contentWindow) }, A = function (a, b, d) { var e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l; j = n(), f = document.createElement("form"), f.setAttribute("method", "POST"), f.setAttribute("action", a), f.setAttribute("target", d), f.setAttribute("data-dable_widget_el_id", b.id); for (i in b) if (l = b[i], !(null == l || P.call(j, i) >= 0)) if (N.isArray(l)) for (h = 0, k = l.length; k > h; h++) e = l[h], g = document.createElement("input"), g.setAttribute("type", "hidden"), g.setAttribute("name", i), g.setAttribute("value", e), f.appendChild(g); else g = document.createElement("input"), g.setAttribute("type", "hidden"), g.setAttribute("name", i), g.setAttribute("value", l && "object" == typeof l ? c.stringify(l) : l), f.appendChild(g); return document.body.appendChild(f), f.submit() }, u = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h; return d = a.el, g = a.width, e = a.height, h = a.zoneid, c = a.category, f = location.protocol, b = document.createElement("div"), b.style.textAlign = "center", b.style.paddingTop = "5px", b.innerHTML = '', d.appendChild(b) }, r = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p; return g = a.el, l = a.minwidth, j = a.maxwidth, o = a.width, h = a.height, n = a.slotid, d = a.auto, f.isAdultContent() ? void 0 : (p = "", m = "", k = "", i = "", e = "", o && (p = ";width:" + o + "px"), l && (m = ";min-width:" + l + "px"), j && (k = ";max-width:" + j + "px"), h && (i = ";height:" + h + "px"), d && (e = 'data-ad-format="auto"'), c = "" + p + i + m + k, b = document.createElement("div"), b.style.textAlign = "center", b.style.paddingTop = "5px", b.innerHTML = '\n\n", g.appendChild(b)) }, s = function () { var a, b, c; N.includeScript(N.protocol() + "//pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js"), b = document.createElement("script"), b.type = "text/javascript", c = "(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});"; try { b.appendChild(document.createTextNode(c)) } catch (d) { a = d, b.text = c } return document.body.appendChild(b) }, q = function (a, b) { var c; return c = document.createElement("div"), c.id = "d-" + a + "-" + parseInt(9999 * Math.random()), c.style.padding = "5px 0", c.style.backgroundColor = "#fff", c.setAttribute("data-widget_id", a), b.parentNode.insertBefore(c, b.nextSibling), dable("renderWidget", c.id) }, B = function (a, b, c, d) { var e, f; return f = d.passback_url, e = d.passback_height, setTimeout(function () { var d; if ("1" !== a.getAttribute("data-ready")) return d = document.createElement("iframe"), d.allowTransparency = "true", d.width = b, d.height = e || c, d.title = "추천 아이템", d.style.border = 0, d.frameBorder = "0", d.scrolling = "no", d.src = f, a.parentNode.appendChild(d), a.parentNode.removeChild(a), d.parentNode.style.height = "auto" }, 3e3) }, t = function (a, b, d, e, f) { var g, h, i, j, k, l, m, o, p, t, v; k = n(), m = "undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (o = window.location) && null != (p = o.href) && null != (t = p.match(/[\?\&]dable=([^\#\&]+)/)) ? t[1] : void 0, m && (f.method = m), f.client_width = a.clientWidth, j = N.isWifi(), j === !0 ? f.network = "wifi" : j === !1 && (f.network = "non-wifi"), f.lang = N.getDableLanguage(), v = N.getScrollY(), l = N.getOffsetY(a), v + 1500 > l && (f.pre_expose = 1), window === window.top && (f.is_top_win = 1); try { top.window.location.href, f.top_win_accessible = 1 } catch (w) { h = w } return i = document.createElement("iframe"), i.allowTransparency = "true", i.width = d, i.height = e, i.title = "추천 아이템", i.style.border = 0, i.frameBorder = "0", i.scrolling = "no", i.name = "dableframe-" + Math.random(), a.style.height = e + "px", a.style.overflow = "hidden", a.innerHTML = "", a.appendChild(i), "ZRoO16lm" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? q("y74NAkXV", a) : "3xXAO07G" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? Math.random() > .5 ? q("OoRxD0ly", a) : q("ml6EJ074", a) : "AOoRE6Xy" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? u({ category: "thesingle", el: a, width: 250, height: 250, zoneid: "20088" }) : "A6o3APlZ" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? q("ml6OBrX4", a) : "VPl15LlE" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? q("1oVxnLlP", a) : "wBoxeG78" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? q("6XgYNV7N", a) : "A1XDRG7e" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? (r({ el: a, minwidth: 320, maxwidth: 732, height: 90, slotid: "1516665626", auto: !0 }), s()) : "V7a4VKoB" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? (r({ el: a, width: 677, height: 90, slotid: "7321339225", auto: !0 }), s()) : "2o2vBJoe" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? Math.random() > .5 ? (r({ el: a, width: 320, height: 100, slotid: "8798072422", auto: !0 }), s()) : q("OoR8Lely", a) : "qAlmxE71" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? (r({ el: a, width: 640, height: 90, slotid: "7467502826", auto: !0 }), s()) : "y74QqdlV" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? q("57w1eQX8", a) : "VPl10K7E" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) ? q("6oMgVGlb", a) : "QXekMV7e" === (null != f ? f.widget_id : void 0) && q("M7N4EmXb", a), (g = function () { var a, g, h, j, l, m; g = "?"; for (j in f) if (m = f[j], !(null == m || P.call(k, j) >= 0)) if (N.isArray(m)) for (h = 0, l = m.length; l > h; h++) a = m[h], "?" !== g && (g += "&"), g += encodeURIComponent(j) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(a); else "object" == typeof m && (m = c.stringify(m)), "?" !== g && (g += "&"), g += encodeURIComponent(j) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(m); g.length <= 2e3 ? (b += g, i.src = b, f.passback_url && B(i, d, e, f)) : (A(b, f, i.name), i.setAttribute("data-org_src", b)) })() }, m = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g; d = null; try { d = document.getElementById(a).getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0] } catch (h) { for (b = h, g = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"), e = 0, f = g.length; f > e; e++) c = g[e], c.src.indexOf("/widgets/id/") > -1 && (d = c) } return d }, H = function (a, b) { var c, d; return d = m(a), null != d && (d.height = b), document.getElementById(a) ? (c = document.getElementById(a), c.style.height = "auto") : void 0 }, I = function (a, b) { var c; return c = m(a), null != c ? c.title = b : void 0 }, v = function () { var a; return a = window.navigator.userAgent, (null != a ? a.indexOf("MSIE 7.0") : void 0) > -1 && /Trident\/[4567]\.0/.test(a) ? !0 : !1 }(), z = function (a) { var b, c, d; return b = m(a), b.setAttribute("data-ready", "1"), d = [], c = function (a) { var c; return (null != b ? b.contentWindow : void 0) ? (c = N.getOffset(b), G(b, a + "=" + ((null != c ? c.x : void 0) || 0) + "," + ((null != c ? c.y : void 0) || 0))) : void 0 }, E.listenByElement(d.indexOf(this.dable.q.executor.service_name) > -1 ? { targetElement: b.parentNode, method: function (a) { return null !== a ? c("expose") : void 0 }, offsetY: b.parentNode.offsetHeight / 2, reregisterIntervalMs: 5e3 + parseInt(500 * Math.random(), 10), isWatchWithTimer: !0 } : { targetElement: b.parentNode, method: function (a) { return null !== a ? c("expose") : void 0 }, cb_trigger_type: "offsetY", offsetY: Math.min(200, b.clientHeight || 200), reregisterIntervalMs: 5e3 + parseInt(500 * Math.random(), 10) }), E.listenByElement({ targetElement: b.parentNode, method: function (a, b) { return null !== a && ("start" === b && c("exposure_start"), "end" === b) ? c("exposure_end") : void 0 }, cb_trigger_type: "watching_area", cb_timing: "start_and_end_once", watching_top: N.getOffsetY(b.parentNode), watching_bottom: N.getOffsetY(b.parentNode) + N.getElemHeight(b.parentNode), reregisterIntervalMs: 5e3 + parseInt(500 * Math.random(), 10) }), E.listenByElement({ targetElement: b.parentNode, method: function () { return c("pre_expose") }, cb_trigger_type: "offsetY", offsetY: -1e3, reregisterIntervalMs: 5e3 + parseInt(500 * Math.random(), 10), isWatchWithTimer: !1 }) }, i = "d-popup-" + parseInt(999999 * Math.random()), j = null, J = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, A, B, C, D; return e = null != (q = a.id) ? q : "", A = null != (r = a.uid) ? r : "", y = null != (s = a.service_id) ? s : "", C = null != (t = a.widget_id) ? t : "", b = null != (u = a.ads) ? u : "", l = null != (v = a.is_geniee) ? v : !1, document.getElementById(i) ? void 0 : (j = e, B = window.innerWidth || (null != (w = document.documentElement) ? w.clientWidth : void 0) || (null != (x = document.body) ? x.clientWidth : void 0), B >= 680 ? (B = 680, d = 606) : (B = 320, d = 470), m = N.getFullUserLanguage().toLowerCase(), l ? (g = "introduction_geniee_ja.html", k = "Genieeが提供するレコメンドについて") : "ko" === m.substr(0, 2) ? (g = "introduction.html", k = "Dable 소개") : "zh-tw" === m || "zh-hant" === m.substr(0, 7) || "zh-hk" === m ? (g = "introduction_zh-hant.html", k = "Dable 简介") : "zh" === m.substr(0, 2) ? (g = "introduction_zh-hans.html", k = "Dable 簡介") : "ja" === m.substr(0, 2) ? (g = "introduction_ja.html", k = "Dableの紹介") : "id" === m.substr(0, 2) ? (g = "introduction_id.html", k = "Pengenalan Dable") : "vi" === m.substr(0, 2) ? (g = "introduction_vi.html", k = "giới thiệu Dable") : "th" === m.substr(0, 2) ? (g = "introduction_th.html", k = "Dable บทนำ") : (g = "introduction_en.html", k = "Dable introduction"), c = encodeURIComponent, D = window.self !== window.top, z = N.protocol() + "//static.dable.io/static/html/" + g + "?from=" + c(window.location.href) + "&uid=" + c(A) + "&service_id=" + c(y) + "&widget_id=" + c(C) + "&wrapped=" + D + "&ads=" + c(b), f = "", D ? window.open(z, "Dable") : (n = document.createElement("div"), n.id = i, n.style.position = "fixed", n.style.zIndex = "99999999", n.style.top = "0", n.style.right = "0", n.style.bottom = "0", n.style.left = "0", n.style.WebkitOverflowScrolling = "touch", n.style.textAlign = "center", o = document.createElement("div"), o.style.position = "fixed", o.style.top = "0", o.style.right = "0", o.style.bottom = "0", o.style.left = "0", o.style.backgroundColor = "#000", o.style.opacity = ".8", o.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=80)", o.onclick = h, p = document.createElement("div"), p.style.position = "absolute", p.style.top = "50%", p.style.left = "50%", p.style.margin = "-" + d / 2 + "px 0 0 -" + B / 2 + "px", p.style.width = B + "px", p.style.height = d + "px", p.style.borderRadius = "8px", p.style.WebkitOverflowScrolling = "touch", p.style.overflowY = "scroll", p.style.overflowX = "hidden", p.innerHTML = f, n.appendChild(o), n.appendChild(p), document.body.appendChild(n))) }, h = function () { var a; return document.getElementById(i) && document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById(i)), j ? (a = m(j), a.contentWindow.focus()) : void 0 }, g = {}, C.subscribe("service_name", function (a) { return g.service_name = a }), C.subscribe("item_ids", function (a) { return g.item_ids = a }), C.subscribe("qterm", function (a) { return g.qterm = a }), O = {}, e = function () { function a(a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i; return d = a.dom_id, c = a.cid, i = a.uid, e = a.item_ids, f = a.item_pub_date, g = null != (h = a.options) ? h : {}, b = a.callback, this.render_widget = Q(this.render_widget, this), d ? (this.cid = c, this.uid = i, this.widget_render_tried = 0, void this.fetch_widget_prefs(d, g, function (a) { return function (c, g) { return O[d] = { item_ids: e, loaded_callback: b }, a.render_widget(d, c, g, e, f) } }(this))) : N.debug("dom id is required but empty") } return a.prototype.fetch_widget_prefs = function (a, b, d) { var e, f, h, i, j, k; return j = function (a, c) { var d, f, g, i, j; return null == c && (c = {}), f = c.default_val, d = c.cut, g = null != (i = c.opts_obj) ? i : h, null != b[a] ? j = b[a] : N.attr(e, "data-" + a) ? j = N.attr(e, "data-" + a) : f && (j = f), d && j ? g[a] = j.substr(0, d) : j ? g[a] = j : void 0 }, h = {}, e = document.getElementById(a), e && j("widget_id"), i = b.service_name || g.service_name, null == e || !i && !h.widget_id ? setTimeout(function (c) { return function () { return ++c.widget_render_tried > 10 ? N.debug("renderWidget found no DOM for this ID selector : " + a) : c.fetch_widget_prefs(a, b, d) } }(this), 50) : (h.from = window.location.href, h.url = b.url || window.location.href, h.ref = b.ref || N.getReferrer(), h.cid = this.cid, h.uid = this.uid, h.passback_url = b.passback_url, h.passback_height = b.passback_height, i && (h.site = i), k = function (a, b) { return j(a, b), h[a] ? (h[a + "_lz"] = w.compressToEncodedURIComponent(h[a]), delete h[a]) : void 0 }, b.test && (h.test = 1), b.shows_preview_slot_index && (h.shows_preview_slot_index = 1), b.option_json && (h.option_json = b.option_json), b.ad_info && (h.ad_info = c.stringify(b.ad_info)), h.id = a, j("width", { default_val: "100%" }), j("height", { default_val: "0" }), j("ad_position"), j("widget_type1"), j("widget_type2"), j("widget_type3"), j("has_outline"), j("text_align"), j("title_type"), j("title_type1"), j("title_type2"), j("title_type3"), j("title_img"), j("title_img1"), j("title_img2"), j("title_img3"), k("title_text"), k("title_text1"), k("title_text2"), k("title_text3"), j("title_size"), j("title_size1"), j("title_size2"), j("title_size3"), j("has_thumbnail"), j("page_count"), j("type"), j("item_count"), j("item_size"), j("row_count"), j("line_color"), j("item_color"), j("price_color"), j("price_size"), j("has_price"), j("published_time_color"), j("published_time_size"), j("published_time_format"), j("has_published_time"), j("random"), j("channel_prefix"), j("channel"), j("infinite_scroll"), j("autoswipe_seconds"), j("promotions"), j("floating"), j("sliding"), j("inarticle"), j("custom_css"), j("self_type"), j("self_title_type"), j("self_title_img"), j("self_title_text"), j("self_title_size"), j("has_dable_logo"), j("abtest_index"), j("nolink"), j("item_props_order"), j("ad_campaign_id"), j("ad_request_id"), j("ad_content_id"), j("ad_response_method"), j("additional_ad_clicklog"), j("ad_clicklog"), j("opt_out"), j("inventory_id"), j("adx_request_id"), j("use_banner_server", !1), j("dable_creative_id"), j("banner_channel_name"), j("encrypted_bid_price"), j("bid_currency"), f = x.read_item(["category1", "category2", "category3"]), f.category1 && (h.category1 = f.category1), f.category2 && (h.category2 = f.category2), f.category3 && (h.category3 = f.category3), j("best_type"), j("category_level"), j("category1", { cut: 64 }), j("category2", { cut: 64 }), j("category3", { cut: 64 }), j("iframe-src"), j("iframe-width"), j("iframe-height"), j("ad_mark_test"), h.ad_params = {}, j("gn_ext", { opts_obj: h.ad_params }), j("gn_efp", { opts_obj: h.ad_params }), j("gn_uids", { opts_obj: h.ad_params }), j("gn_zids", { opts_obj: h.ad_params }), j("is_bridge"), j("bridge_item_id"), j("top_win_href"), d(e, h)) }, a.prototype.fetch_widget_items = function (a, b, c, d) { return null == c && (c = !0), b = b || N.attr(a, "data-item_id") || g.item_ids, null == b && c ? setTimeout(function (e) { return function () { return "number" == typeof c && c--, e.fetch_widget_items(a, b, c, d) } }(this), 200) : (N.isArray(b) || (b = [b]), d(b)) }, a.prototype.render_widget = function (a, b, c, d, e) { return this.fetch_widget_items(b, d, !1, function () { return function (a) { var d; if (a.length > 1 && (a = [a[parseInt(Math.random() * a.length)]]), c.item_id = a[0], null != e && (c.item_pub_date = e), N.readParam("dable_campaign_id") && (c.test_campaign_id = N.readParam("dable_campaign_id"), c.nolog = 1), N.readParam("dable_noad") && (c.nodablead = N.readParam("dable_noad")), c.use_banner_server) d = N.protocol() + "//" + N.banner_server_domain() + ("/widgets/id/" + c.widget_id) + (c.uid && "/users/" + c.uid || ""); else if (c.bridge_item_id) d = N.protocol() + "//" + N.api_server_domain() + ("/bridge/services/" + encodeURIComponent(c.site) + "/id/" + encodeURIComponent(c.widget_id) + "/item/" + encodeURIComponent(c.bridge_item_id)); else if (c.widget_id) d = N.protocol() + "//" + N.api_server_domain() + ("/widgets/id/" + c.widget_id) + (c.uid && "/users/" + c.uid || ""); else { if (!c.site) return void N.debug("one of widget_id or service_name is required but empty"); d = N.protocol() + "//" + N.api_server_domain() + ("/widgets/services/" + encodeURIComponent(c.site)) + (c.uid && "/users/" + c.uid || "") } return c.pixel_ratio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1, t(b, d, c.width, c.height, c) } }(this)) }, a }(), D = function (a, b) { var c, d; return (null != (c = a.match(new RegExp("^" + b + "=([^&]+).*$"))) ? c[1] : void 0) || (null != (d = a.match(new RegExp("&" + b + "=([^&]+).*$"))) ? d[1] : void 0) || null }, K.receiveMessage(function (a) { var b, d, e, f, g, i, j, k, n, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, A, B, C, P, Q, R, S; if (a.data && "string" == typeof a.data) { try { B = decodeURIComponent(a.data) } catch (T) { f = T, B = a.data } if (B.indexOf("show_dable_popup=1") > -1 ? J({ id: D(B, "id"), uid: D(B, "uid"), service_id: D(B, "service_id"), is_geniee: "1" === D(B, "is_geniee"), widget_id: D(B, "widget_id"), ads: D(B, "ads") }) : B.indexOf("close_dable_popup=1") > -1 && h(), B.indexOf("show_minicontent=") > -1 && (x = D(B, "show_minicontent").split("--"), y.show({ campaign_id: x[0], content_id: x[1], service_name: x[3], is_mobile: N.isMobileDevice(), is_IOS: N.isIOSDevice() })), B.indexOf("close_minicontent=1") > -1 && y.close(), B.indexOf("on_bridge_item_clicked=") > -1 && (d = D(B, "on_bridge_item_clicked"), w = D(B, "newsx_detail_page_url_pattern"), t = ("undefined" != typeof window && null !== window && null != (C = window.location) && null != (P = C.pathname) ? P.indexOf("/bridge/services") : void 0) > -1, t ? K.postMessage("on_bridge_item_clicked=" + d + "&newsx_detail_page_url_pattern=" + w, "*") : w ? window.location.href = w.replace(":id", d) : window.location.hash = "#dable_bridge_item=" + d), n = D(B, "id"), !n) return; if (B.indexOf("init=") > -1 && z(n), B.indexOf("check_and_page_expose=1") > -1 && (b = m(n), (null != b ? b.contentWindow : void 0) && E.isElWithinOffsetY({ targetElement: b.parentNode, offsetY: 200 }) && (A = D(B, "page"), G(b, "page_expose=" + A))), B.indexOf("block_content=") > -1 && (b = m(n), (null != b ? b.contentWindow : void 0) && (e = D(B, "block_content"), G(b, "block_content=" + e))), B.indexOf("floating=") > -1) { k = D(B, "floating"); try { k = c.parse(k), l.init(n, k) } catch (T) { a = T } } if (B.indexOf("is_updown_widget=") > -1 && M.init({ frame_id: n, link_widget_id: D(B, "link_widget"), threshold_top: Number(D(B, "threshold_top")) || 40, threshold_bottom: Number(D(B, "threshold_bottom")) || 30 }), u = !1, B.indexOf("sliding=") > -1) { k = D(B, "sliding"); try { k = c.parse(k), u = F.init(n, k) } catch (T) { a = T } } if (B.indexOf("is_infinite_feed=") > -1 && -1 === B.indexOf("floating=") && p.init(n, Number(D(B, "infinite_feed_scroll_amount"))), B.indexOf("if_height=") > -1 && (q = Number(D(B, "if_height")), !isNaN(q) && q > 0 && H(n, q)), B.indexOf("need_inarticle_init=") > -1 && o.init(n, c.parse(D(B, "need_inarticle_init"))), B.indexOf("error=") > -1) return j = D(B, "error"), N.debug(j); if (B.indexOf("title=") > -1 && (S = D(B, "title"), I(n, S)), B.indexOf("has_recom") > -1 && (r = 1 === Number(D(B, "has_recom")), O[n] && O[n].loaded_callback && O[n].loaded_callback(r)), B.indexOf("close_dable_widget") > -1 && (i = D(B, "id"), i && (g = document.getElementById(i)))) for (Q = g.childNodes, s = 0, v = Q.length; v > s; s++) k = Q[s], k.style.display = "none"; if (B.indexOf("storyWidget") > -1) return R = B.split("storyItems=")[1], L.init({ storyWidgetId: D(B, "fid"), storyWidgetItems: c.parse(R), storyItemLength: Number(D(B, "storyWidgetItemsLength")), storyClickedIndex: Number(D(B, "storyClickedIdx")), storyMinicontIndex: c.parse(D(B, "miniContIdx")) }) } }), b.exports = e }, { "./JSON": 3, "./JSONP.coffee": 4, "./adult.js": 6, "./ba-postmessage.js": 8, "./event.js": 12, "./lz-string.js": 17, "./meta.coffee": 19, "./pubsub.js": 20, "./scroll-manager.coffee": 22, "./sp/minicontent.coffee": 23, "./util.coffee": 24, "./widgets/floating.coffee": 26, "./widgets/inarticle.coffee": 27, "./widgets/infinite-feed.coffee": 28, "./widgets/secret.coffee": 29, "./widgets/storywidget.js": 30, "./widgets/up-down.coffee": 31 }], 26: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h; e = a("../util.coffee"), c = a("../event"), f = {}, h = {}, g = {}, d = function (a, b) { var d, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p; if ((null != b ? b.enabled : void 0) && (l = document.getElementById(a), "1" !== l.getAttribute("data-dable-floating"))) { switch (l.setAttribute("data-dable-floating", "1"), l.style.width = b.width + "px", l.style.position = "fixed", l.style.zIndex = "99999999", i = "top" === (o = b.appear) || "bottom" === o, p = (b.vmargin || 0) + "px", m = (b.hmargin || 0) + "px", n = "-" + (Number(b.width) + 50) + "px", b.position) { case "bottomright": l.style.bottom = p, l.style.right = i ? n : m, l.style.transition = "0.3s ease-in"; break; case "bottomleft": l.style.bottom = p, l.style.left = i ? n : m, l.style.transition = "0.3s ease-in"; break; case "bottomcenter": n = "9999px", l.style.left = "50%", l.style.bottom = p, l.style.marginLeft = i ? n : "-" + b.width / 2 + "px"; break; case "topright": l.style.top = p, l.style.right = i ? n : m, l.style.transition = "0.3s ease-in"; break; case "topleft": l.style.top = p, l.style.left = i ? n : m, l.style.transition = "0.3s ease-in"; break; case "topcenter": n = "9999px", l.style.left = "50%", l.style.top = p, l.style.marginLeft = i ? n : "-" + b.width / 2 + "px" } return i ? (0 === l.getElementsByTagName("i").length && (k = document.createElement("i"), k.style.position = "absolute", k.style.top = "-7px", k.style.right = "-7px", k.style.width = "16px", k.style.height = "16px", k.style.margin = 0, k.style.padding = 0, k.style.border = 0, k.style.background = "url(" + e.protocol() + "//api.dable.io/static/i/x.png) no-repeat 0 0", k.style.cursor = "pointer", k.onclick = function () { return d(!1), setTimeout(function () { return l.style.display = "none" }, 200) }, l.appendChild(k)), d = function (a) { if (a) switch (b.position) { case "bottomright": case "topright": return l.style.right = m; case "bottomleft": case "topleft": return l.style.left = m; case "bottomcenter": case "topcenter": return l.style.marginLeft = m } else switch (b.position) { case "bottomright": case "topright": return l.style.right = n; case "bottomleft": case "topleft": return l.style.left = n; case "bottomcenter": case "topcenter": return l.style.marginLeft = n } }, f[a] && c.removeEvent(e.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", f[a]), j = function () { var c, f, i, j, k, l; return c = g[a], l = e.getScrollY(), k = e.getHeight(), "top" !== b.appear || "topright" !== (f = b.position) && "topleft" !== f ? "top" === b.appear ? j = b.appear_px <= l + k.viewport : "bottom" !== b.appear || "bottomright" !== (i = b.position) && "bottomleft" !== i ? "bottom" === b.appear && (j = b.appear_px >= k.window - k.viewport - l) : j = b.appear_px >= k.window - k.viewport - l : j = b.appear_px <= l, j !== c && (d(j), g[a] = j), h[a] = null }, f[a] = function () { return h[a] && clearTimeout(h[a]), h[a] = setTimeout(j, 100) }, c.addEvent(e.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", f[a]), g[a] = null, j()) : void 0 } }, b.exports = { init: d } }, { "../event": 12, "../util.coffee": 24 }], 27: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l; k = a("../meta.coffee"), i = k.read_body, j = k.read_body_el, l = ["img", "iframe", "figure"], c = 150, d = function (a) { var b, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, m, n, o; for (b = a.el, n = null != (k = a.t) ? k : "", j = a.min_article_length, n += (null != b && null != (m = b.innerHTML) ? m.toLowerCase() : void 0) || b.textContent, e = !1, f = 0, h = l.length; h > f; f++) if (o = l[f], n.indexOf("<" + o) > -1) { e = !0; break } for (; n.indexOf(" -1;) n = n.substr(0, n.indexOf("") + 9); for (; n.indexOf(" -1;) n = n.substr(0, n.indexOf("") + 8); for (g = 0, i = l.length; i > g; g++) o = l[g], n = n.replace(new RegExp("<" + o + "(.|[\r\n])*"), ""); return n = n.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, "").replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""), n.length > (j || c) ? !0 : n.length && !e && (null != b ? b.nextSibling : void 0) ? d({ el: b.nextSibling, t: n, min_article_length: j }) : !1 }, e = function (a) { var b, c, e, g, h, i, j, k; if (e = a.el, h = a.l, j = a.pos_rate, i = a.min_article_length, k = Math.floor(h * j / 100) - 1, 1 > k && (k = h - 1), c = f(e), d({ el: c[k], min_article_length: i })) return c[k]; for (g = 0; g++ < h;) { if (h > k + g && (b = c[k + g], b && d({ el: b, min_article_length: i }))) return b; if (k - g >= 0 && (b = c[k - g], b && d({ el: b, min_article_length: i }))) return b } return !1 }, f = function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h; for (h = (null != (e = a.childNodes) ? e.length : void 0) || 0, d = [], b = c = 0, f = h - 1; f >= 0 ? f >= c : c >= f; b = f >= 0 ? ++c : --c) 8 !== a.childNodes[b].nodeType && (3 !== a.childNodes[b].nodeType || (g = a.childNodes[b].textContent || "", g.trim())) && d.push(a.childNodes[b]); return d }, h = function (a, b) { var c, d, g, i, j, k, l, m, n, o; if (l = b.pos_rate, j = b.min_article_length, !a || !(null != (m = a.childNodes) ? m.length : void 0)) return null; if (g = f(a).length, i = a.children.length, 3 >= g && 1 === i) return h(a.children[0], { pos_rate: l, min_article_length: j }); if (o = e({ el: a, l: g, pos_rate: l, min_article_length: j }), !o) return !1; k = document.createElement("div"), k.className = "dable_placeholder", n = document.createElement("style"), d = "@media all and (min-width: 1px) and (max-width: 450px) { .dable_placeholder{ width: 100% !important; padding: 10px 0 !important; }}"; try { n.innerText = d } catch (p) { c = p, n.cssText = d } return k.appendChild(n), a.insertBefore(k, o), k }, g = function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, i, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u; if (e = b.enabled, f = b["float"], t = b.width, q = null != (r = b.pos_rate) ? r : 50, n = b.min_article_length, e && (c = j(), c && (d = document.getElementById(a), p = c.querySelector(".dable_placeholder"), p || (p = h(c, { pos_rate: q, min_article_length: n })), p))) { if ("left" === f ? (p.style["float"] = f, p.style.padding = "10px 15px 10px 0") : "right" === f ? (p.style["float"] = f, p.style.padding = "10px 0 10px 15px") : (p.style.margin = "0 auto", p.style.padding = "10px 0"), p.style.width = t + "%", i = d.getElementsByTagName("iframe")[0], k = !i.src) { for (s = document.getElementsByTagName("form"), l = 0, m = s.length; m > l; l++) if (g = s[l], a === g.getAttribute("data-dable_widget_el_id")) { u = g, o = document.createElement("input"), o.setAttribute("type", "hidden"), o.setAttribute("name", "inarticle_init"), o.setAttribute("value", "1"), u.appendChild(o); break } } else { if (i.src.indexOf("&inarticle_init=1") > -1) return; i.src = i.src + "&inarticle_init=1" } return d.parentNode.removeChild(d), p.appendChild(d), u ? u.submit() : void 0 } }, b.exports = { init: g } }, { "../meta.coffee": 19 }], 28: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i; c = a("../event"), f = a("../ba-postmessage.js"), g = a("../util.coffee"), h = {}, i = {}, e = function (a) { var b, c; return b = null != (c = a.getElementsByTagName("iframe")) ? c[0] : void 0, (null != b ? b.contentWindow : void 0) ? f.postMessage("load_infinite_feed", b.getAttribute("src") || b.getAttribute("data-org_src"), b.contentWindow) : void 0 }, d = function (a, b) { var d, f, i, j; return j = document.getElementById(a), h["ifeed" + a] && c.removeEvent(g.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", h["ifeed" + a]), d = !1, f = 0, i = function () { return d || b > -1 && f + 1 >= b ? void 0 : (d = !0, setTimeout(function () { return d = !1, i() }, 100), g.isScrollBottom(j, 200) ? (f++, e(j)) : void 0) }, c.addEvent(g.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", i, "if"), i() }, b.exports = { init: d } }, { "../ba-postmessage.js": 8, "../event": 12, "../util.coffee": 24 }], 29: [function (a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m; j = a("../util.coffee"), d = a("../event"), h = a("../ba-postmessage.js"), g = !1, k = {}, m = {}, l = {}, i = function (a) { return a.className += " dable-secret-hidden", a.style.overflow = "hidden", a.style.maxHeight = "0px", a.style.transition = "max-height 1s" }, c = function (a) { var b, c; if (!a.getAttribute("dable-slided")) return a.setAttribute("dable-slided", "1"), a.className = a.className.replace(" dable-secret-hidden", ""), a.style.maxHeight = "1200px", b = null != (c = a.getElementsByTagName("iframe")) ? c[0] : void 0, (null != b ? b.contentWindow : void 0) ? h.postMessage("show_secret_widget", b.getAttribute("src") || b.getAttribute("data-org_src"), b.contentWindow) : void 0 }, e = function (a) { for (; a = a.parentNode;) if ("articleBody" === a.getAttribute("itemprop")) return j.getOffsetY(a); return 0 }, f = function (a, b) { var f, h, l, n, o, p, q, r, s, t; return n = null != (p = b.enabled) ? p : !1, o = null != (q = b.for_article) ? q : !1, t = null != (r = b.top_offset) ? r : 0, l = document.getElementById(a), n ? (g || (j.insertCss(".dable-secret-hidden{height:0!important} .dable-secret-hidden iframe{position:absolute;top:-9999px;left:-9999px}"), g = !0), "1" === l.getAttribute("data-dable-sliding") ? !0 : (l.setAttribute("data-dable-sliding", "1"), i(l), f = o ? e(l) : 0, k["sliding" + a] && d.removeEvent(j.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", k["sliding" + a]), s = !1, h = function () { var b; return b = j.getScrollY(), !s && b > f + 300 && (s = !0), s && b <= Number(f + t) && (c(l), d.removeEvent(j.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", k["sliding" + a])), m["sliding" + a] = null }, k["sliding" + a] = function () { return m["sliding" + a] && clearTimeout(m["sliding" + a]), m["sliding" + a] = setTimeout(h, 100) }, d.addEvent(j.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", k["sliding" + a]), setInterval(k["sliding" + a], 5e3), h(), !0)) : (l.style.overflow = "visible", !1) }, b.exports = { init: f } }, { "../ba-postmessage.js": 8, "../event": 12, "../util.coffee": 24 }], 30: [function (a, b) { function c() { x--, y = setTimeout(c, 1e3) } function d() { y = setTimeout(c, 1e3) } function e() { clearTimeout(y) } function f(a) { 0 === x && (x = 1); var b = a.querySelector(".dable_status_bar i"); b.style.transitionDuration = x + "s" } function g() { clearTimeout(A) } function h(a) { for (var b = document.querySelectorAll(".dable_story_li"), c = b[a], d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d++) b[d].classList.remove("current"); c.classList.add("current") } function i(a) { for (var b = document.querySelectorAll(".dable_status_bar"), c = b[a], d = 0; d < b.length - 1; d++) b[d].classList.remove("playing"); c.classList.add("playing") } function j(a) { for (var b = document.querySelectorAll(".dable_story_page_dot"), c = b[a], d = 0; d < b.length; d++) b[d].classList.remove("current"); c.classList.add("current") } function k(a) { var b = a.querySelector("i"), c = b.clientWidth; b.style.width = c + "px" } function l() { document.location.href.indexOf("storywidget=open") > -1 && history.back() } function m(a) { function b() { I.style.height = window.innerWidth < 480 ? window.innerHeight + "px" : "640px" } function c(a) { x = w, J.style.left = "-".concat(100 * a, "%"); for (var b = 0; b < L.length - 1; b++) L[b].removeAttribute("style"), L[b].style.width = 0; h(a), i(a), j(a), M.style.display = 0 === a ? "none" : "block" } function m() { p - 1 > z ? (z++, c(z), A = setTimeout(m, 1e3 * x)) : (l(), z = -1) } function s(a) { A = setTimeout(m, 1e3 * a) } function u() { g(), s(w), B = !0; for (var a = 0; a < O.length; a++) O[a].classList.remove("pause") } function v() { var a = K[z], b = a.querySelector(".dable_status_bar"); B ? (k(b), g(), e(), O[z].classList.add("pause"), b.classList.remove("playing"), B = !1) : (f(b), s(x), d(), O[z].classList.remove("pause"), b.classList.add("playing"), B = !0) } function y() { z > 0 && z--, c(z), u() } function D() { z === p - 1 ? (l(), z = p - 1) : (z++, c(z), u()) } function E(a) { Q = a.touches[0].pageX, T = a.touches[0].pageY } function F(a) { R = a.changedTouches[0].pageX, Q - R > 50 ? D() : -50 > Q - R ? y() : J.style.left = "-".concat(100 * z, "%"), U = a.changedTouches[0].pageY, -150 > T - U && l() } function G(a) { S = a.touches[0].pageX, V = a.touches[0].pageY, J.style.left = -50 > T - V ? "-".concat(100 * z, "%") : "-".concat(100 * z - (S - Q) / 2, "%"), 0 > Q - S && 0 === z && (J.style.left = "0%") } function H(a) { for (var b = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe") || void 0, c = 0; c < b.length; c++) { var d = b[c].getAttribute("src") || b[c].getAttribute("data-org_src"); d.indexOf("dable") > -1 && d.indexOf(n) > -1 && t.postMessage(a, d, b[c].contentWindow) } } n = a.storyWidgetId, o = a.storyWidgetItems, p = a.storyItemLength, q = a.storyClickedIndex, r = a.storyMinicontIndex, C(o, p, q), z = q; var I = document.getElementById("dable_story_wrapper"), J = document.getElementById("dable_story_ul"), K = document.querySelectorAll(".dable_story_li"), L = document.querySelectorAll(".dable_status_bar i"), M = document.getElementById("dable_prev"), N = document.getElementById("dable_next"), O = document.querySelectorAll(".dable_btn-pause"); window.addEventListener("resize", b), setTimeout(function () { c(z) }, 10), s(x), d(), b(); for (var P = 0; P < O.length; P++) O[P].onclick = v; M.onclick = y, N.onclick = D; var Q, R, S, T, U, V; I.addEventListener("touchstart", E), I.addEventListener("touchend", F), I.addEventListener("touchmove", G), document.getElementById("dable_story_popup_bg").onclick = l; for (var W = document.querySelectorAll(".dable_btn-close"), X = 0; X < W.length; X++) W[X].onclick = l; for (var Y = document.querySelectorAll(".dable-logo"), Z = 0; Z < Y.length; Z++) Y[Z].onclick = function (a) { a.preventDefault(), H("dable_logo_clicked"), l() }; r && ! function () { for (var a, b = [], c = 0; c < r.length; c++) a = r[c], b = K[a].querySelectorAll(".dable_link-btn"); for (var d = 0; d < b.length; d++) b[d].onclick = function (b) { b.preventDefault(), H("mini_content_clicked," + a), l() } }(); var $ = { storyWidgetId: n, storyWidgetItems: o, storyItemLength: p, storyClickedIndex: z, storyMinicontIndex: r }, _ = document.location.href; document.location.href.indexOf("storywidget=open") > -1 ? history.replaceState($, "", _) : (_ += _.indexOf("?") > -1 ? 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"
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(c = "down" === k ? b + a - i : i + j - b, e = c / j * 100, "down" === k && n >= e && (f(o, d, "up", p), p = !1), "up" === k && m >= e ? f(o, d, "down") : void 0) : void 0 }, i["updown" + g] = function () { return k["updown" + g] && clearTimeout(k["updown" + g]), k["updown" + g] = setTimeout(b, 100) }, c.addEvent(h.get_scroll_base_el(), "scroll", i["updown" + g]), setInterval(i["updown" + g], 5e3), b(), !0 }, b.exports = { init: d } }, { "../ba-postmessage.js": 8, "../event": 12, "../util.coffee": 24 }], 32: [function (a) { var b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i; if ((null != (h = window.dable) ? !h.plugin_loaded : !0) && (b = a("./lib/CommandQueue.coffee"), c = a("./lib/Executor.coffee"), i = a("./lib/util.coffee"), !/(MSIE 6|Firefox\/33)/.test(window.navigator.userAgent) && (i.readParam("dable_newsroom") && i.includeScript(i.protocol() + "//static.dable.io/dist/newsroom.min.js"), null == window.dable && (window.dable = function () { return null == dable.q && (dable.q = []), dable.q.push(arguments) }), g = window.dable.q || [], i.isArray(g)))) { for (window.dable.q = new b(new c), d = 0, f = g.length; f > d; d++) e = g[d], window.dable.q.push(e); window.dable.plugin_loaded = !0 } }, { "./lib/CommandQueue.coffee": 1, "./lib/Executor.coffee": 2, "./lib/util.coffee": 24 }], 33: [function (require, module, exports) { function _typeof(a) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return (_typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (a) { return typeof a } : function (a) { return a && "function" == typeof Symbol && a.constructor === Symbol && a !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof a })(a) } var JSON = this && this.JSON || function () { function f(a) { return 10 > a ? "0" + a : a } function stringify(a, b) { var c, d, e, f, g, h = /["\\\x00-\x1f\x7f-\x9f]/g; switch (_typeof(a)) { case "string": return h.test(a) ? '"' + a.replace(h, function (a) { var b = m[a]; return b ? b : (b = a.charCodeAt(), "\\u00" + Math.floor(b / 16).toString(16) + (b % 16).toString(16)) }) + '"' : '"' + a + '"'; case "number": return isFinite(a) ? String(a) : "null"; case "boolean": case "null": return String(a); case "object": if (!a) return "null"; if ("function" == typeof a.toJSON) return stringify(a.toJSON()); if (c = [], "number" == typeof a.length && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("length")) { for (f = a.length, d = 0; f > d; d += 1) c.push(stringify(a[d], b) || "null"); return "[" + c.join(",") + "]" } if (b) for (f = b.length, d = 0; f > d; d += 1) e = b[d], "string" == typeof e && (g = stringify(a[e], b), g && c.push(stringify(e) + ":" + g)); else for (e in a) "string" == typeof e && (g = stringify(a[e], b), g && c.push(stringify(e) + ":" + g)); return "{" + c.join(",") + "}" } } Date.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.getUTCFullYear() + "-" + f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + "-" + f(this.getUTCDate()) + "T" + f(this.getUTCHours()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ":" + f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + "Z" }; var m = { "\b": "\\b", " ": "\\t", "\n": "\\n", "\f": "\\f", "\r": "\\r", '"': '\\"', "\\": "\\\\" }; return { stringify: stringify, parse: function parse(text, filter) { function walk(a, b) { var c, d; if (b && "object" === _typeof(b)) for (c in b) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.apply(b, [c]) && (d = walk(c, b[c]), void 0 !== d ? b[c] = d : delete b[c]); return filter(a, b) } var j; if (/^[\],:{}\s]*$/.test(text.replace(/\\["\\\/bfnrtu]/g, "@").replace(/"[^"\\\n\r]*"|true|false|null|-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?(?:[eE][+\-]?\d+)?/g, "]").replace(/(?:^|:|,)(?:\s*\[)+/g, ""))) return j = eval("(" + text + ")"), "function" == typeof filter ? walk("", j) : j; throw new SyntaxError("parseJSON") } } }(); module.exports = JSON }, {}], 34: [function (a, b) { function c(a) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return (c = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (a) { return typeof a } : function (a) { return a && "function" == typeof Symbol && a.constructor === Symbol && a !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof a })(a) } var d = a("./JSON"), e = function (a) { for (var b = function k(a) { var b, d = []; for (b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && d.push([b, function () { return a[b] && "object" == c(a[b]) && a[b].constructor != Array ? a[b].constructor == Object && k(a[b]) || a[b].constructor == Date && a[b].toJSON() || a[b].toString() : "function" == typeof a[b] ? a[b].toString() : a[b] }()]); return d.sort(function (a, b) { return a[0] > b[0] ? 1 : -1 }) }, e = d.stringify(b(a)), f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g = 4294967295, h = 0, i = 0, j = e.length; j > i; i++) h = 255 & (g ^ e.charCodeAt(i)), g = g >>> 8 ^ "0x" + f.substr((h << 3) + h, 8); return g = 4294967295 ^ g, (0 > g && 4294967295 + g + 1 || g).toString(16) }; b.exports = e }, { "./JSON": 33 }] }, {}, [32]) }();